Sunday 24 April 2016

'Empire' Season 2 Episode 14 Recap: Aired - Thursday 21 April 2016

Do accept my apologies for not doing a recap last week, I will start with a quick one before going into this week's.

Season 2 Episode 13 Recap
Mimi and Camille are really dead. A funeral was held for Camille and at the reception, it was announced that Rhonda will take over as the head of the fashion department at 'Empire'.

Hakeem had to rush to meet Laura and Tiana on their tour because they were always at each other's throat and kept calling him to complain.
He managed to get a truce and he even performed with both of them on stage at the same time.
In the end he proposed to Laura in front of the press and fans.
Tiana saw them and looked quite hurt.

Cookie worked on the music video with Lucious. She helped to calm him down and get him through the process.
Lucious got emotional when he saw the lady who was to play his mum in the video and he froze when he wanted to help the child playing him prepare for the bathroom scene where his mother tried to drown him.
The casting was really good. The lady playing the mum looked like Kelly Rowland and the boy playing a young Lucious, looked like a young Jamal.

Cookie had her first birthday celebration outside of prison in 18 years. The family put aside their differences and gathered atLucious' house for dinner.
They watched the music video and André flipped when he discovered his grandmother was also bi-polar.
He confronted Lucious about it and accused him of making him feel like a freak all these years when he could have just told him it was in the family.
Lucious says he wanted André to be strong and fight it.
Needless to say, dinner ended up a disaster and Rhonda felt she had had enough of André's episodes so she runs to Anika to get away from it all.

Freda Gaths agreed to work on a track with Jamal for his new album and Cookie is shocked when she learns that Frank Gathers, the man she ordered Lucious to handle in prison and Lucious ordered his killing, is Freda's father.

Season 2 Episode 14 Recap

Lola, (Jamal's daughter we met in Season 1) is on a playground with some friends. Thirsty goes up to her and says “Hello” then he pulls some strands of her hair and leaves.

André comes to see Rhonda at Anika's place.
Rhonda asks if he's staying with the reverend.  He says he hasn't been going to church, he has been staying at a motel and he's not off his medication.
She asks why he hasn't been going to church and he says he's been dealing with some issues and he didn't think the reverend would understand.
He says he misses her and they were a team.
She says they haven't been for a long time and he asks what it would take.
She says they have to want the same things and they were happiest when they were excited about their future.

They hear Anika retching from the bathroom and rush to see her throwing up.
Rhonda asks her what is wrong and Anika says she doesn't want to say, especially not after what happened to them.
Rhonda asks if she's pregnant and André asks who the father is.
Anika says it Hakeem.

Lucious is mingling with some of the shareholders of Empire at a party he is hosting.
The shareholders sing his praises and say they want him back as CEO because nobody else can do what he does.
Cookie comes in as Lucious is escorting a female shareholder out the door.
When he comes back in, she tells him he crossed a line.
He asks her what she means and she says 'Freda Gaths', Lucious says she's not a problem and Cookie says he killed her father.
Lucious says he was nowhere near the man when he died and Cookie was bone deep with him.
Cookie says she doesn’t want the dangerous b...  around her boys.

Jamal and Freda are at the barber shop where she works. They are rehearsing the track they want to record.
A man comes in and sits on a chair. One of the barbers warns him not to sit on the chair as no one sits there out of respect for Frank Gathers.
The man refuses to get up, saying Frank is dead.
Freda and some of the men in the salon beat him up and throw him out.

Jamal plays the track he recorded with Freda for Cookie and some employees of Empire at a meeting.
He asks what Cookie thinks and she says he's trying to win over his dad at the ASAs but she doesn't know how he will do that with Freda Gaths.

Hakeem and Jamal are having a meeting with a team at Empire. André walks in and Hakeem ends the meeting.
André tells Hakeem and Jamal that he is fine, he will be back at work in time for the shareholders' meeting and he will offer his support to Hakeem and Cookie.
He tells Hakeem that Lucious will be a problem for him.
Hakeem asks for help and André asks if there's any Pending deal he is working on.
Hakeem says he is working on the Fashion line Camille was working on.
André tells him Lucious will go after that.

In the middle of the night, Thirsty drives some men up to the warehouse where the clothes are stored, the men beat up security and steal all of the merchandise.

Hakeem barges into Lucious' house, accusing him of the stolen merchandise. He threatens to release the tape to the police if the goods are not returned.
Hakeem's phone rings and Lucious tells him to answer.
He answers and Laura complains to him that they have no equipment for their tour only wardrobe; the police searched the trucks and found drugs so they confiscated everything.
Hakeem ends the call and asks Lucious if he planted drugs on his trucks.
Lucious says what if he did; any half arse CEO should know how to clap back.

Cookie meets Jamal up in the recording studio. He plays the track for her and she acts like she likes it but he hears something else underlying her statement.
He asks her what it is and she says she set him up with a certain high profile celebrity Superstar MC.
He asks if she got Stacy Run Run.
They go out of the studio and it is indeed Stacy Run Run. Jamal is excited.
Stacy is with her manager and she talks about what they will on the track.
Jamal brings up Freda's name and it was like he dropped a bomb.
Stacey's manager looks at Cookie and says he thought they had covered that issue.
Cookie takes Jamal aside and tells him that Stacy has an exclusivity clause and if he is working with her on an album, he can't work with anyone else so he has to choose between Stacy and Freda but he knows who to choose if he really wants to beat his father at the ASAs.

Lucious takes André to his mother's grave and says he can say what he wants to say to her.
André talks to the grave and says medical science has made things easier for people like them and if she was still around now she'd have been able to live out her dreams.
Lucious says he knows some things he can use André’s help with.  Andre says he won't go against his brothers.
Lucious tells him he's not telling him to go against his Christian faith; he knows Andre and his brothers want what's best for the family which is for their Empire to be great and Andre knows he's the best man for the job.
Lucious sees he might be winning André over so he continues. He says being his mother's son gave him a lot of gifts but she also did a lot of damage to him and he knows him and Andre working together, they will fix a lot of the stuff.

Cookie, Jamal and a team of staff are preparing Hakeem for the shareholders' meeting.
They tell him he can't bring up the issue of profits because they don't have any.
Hakeem gets upset and Cookie tells the others to take 5 minutes.
She tells Hakeem she doesn't think Lucious had anything to do with the profits and he asks her whose side she's on. She says she's not on anyone's side, she just wants what's best for the family and that means he has to kill it at the shareholders' meeting. She finishes by telling him that he can't be getting emotional at meetings.

Jamal meets Freda in the studio. He tells her about recording with Stacy Run Run. Freda is excited for him until he tells her about the exclusivity clause.
Her face falls but she says it's cool.  He promises her that when he's done, they will pick up where they left off.
She tells him not to make promises.

The family is gathered at Lucious' house.  André tells everyone that he told his dad that he wanted them all to be better, they can rise above their past; there’s someone who has something to say.
He invites Rhonda in and Anika follows.
Cookie asks what the hell she's doing here and Lucious also complains but Andre tells them to just listen.
Anika says she's pregnant and it's Hakeem's. Cookie gets up in anger and confronts Hakeem. Hakeem asks how he can be sure the baby is his and Anika says he is the only one she has been with since Lucious; she'd be happy to take a paternity test.
Cookie asks Hakeem if he never heard of a condom then she smacks him on the back of his head.
Jamal asks Anika if she will keep it. Rhonda says she begged Anika to.
Cookie is not happy about it but Rhonda says the family already tragically lost an heir.
Jamal says if they're talking about heirs then they need to find Lola.
Lucious says they don't; he had a DNA test carried out and it turns out that Jamal is not the father.
Lucious asks Anika what she wants.
She says she wants something very valuable.
Cookie says Lucious should just write her a check.
Anika says she knows things haven't been great between them and she accepts responsibility for her role on that but she wants a family for her child. She wants them to think about it.

The shareholders' meeting is on. Tiana performs and after her performance, Cookie introduces the CEO, Hakeem Lyon.

Anika opens the door to her apartment and sees Lucious sitting on her couch. He tells her that he has an offer for her, have the baby, give to Hakeem and he will write her a cheque for 10million dollars.
She says she doesn't want the money.
He says she betrayed him, slept with his baby boy. He tells her to take the offer and not make him get ugly. He starts to leave but she says the baby, "he" is making her believe in herself again. Hearing "He" made Lucious stop and turn around.
She says if he doesn't understand then she may also need to do what she has to do; when the FBI was coming for Lucious she didn't snitch on him but she knows a lot, having spent 5 years with him.
Lucious tells her he would be very careful because a lot of women do not survive childbirth.
With that he leaves.

Hakeem finishes his presentation to the shareholders.
It is now time for questions and answers.
He takes one from two ladies and gives them an answer they seem satisfied with.
The next person to ask a question is none other than Lucious Lyon.
Lucious asks Hakeem what he thinks are the 5 biggest challenges facing the music industry for the next 10 years.
Hakeem hesitates and looks lost for a second but it turns out he was just messing with Lucious and the audience because he states the challenges rather eloquently.
The crowd cheers.

Lucious says it's funny Hakeem mentioned ‘live shows’ as one of his points but didn’t Empire just scrap a whole tour under his expert leadership.
Hakeem begins to get emotional. He starts his response with "my father" but Cookie gives him a sign to stop.
Lucious goes on to make his point. He mentions the security issues at the warehouse and the app that was supposed to be released but met with a hitch. He looks straight at André when he talks about the app which makes Rhonda ask André if he had anything to do with it.
He tells her "that's how we get back to us" and gives her a kiss.

Hakeem's tells Lucious it’s just a temporary delay. Lucious tells him the shareholders don't need that.
 He pulls a lady out of the crowd and asks her what she needs, she says they need Lucious and the  crowd starts to chant 'Lucious'.
He tries to be modest and says that's not what he means.
Cookie gets on stage and takes the microphone from Hakeem and addresses the shareholders.
She says both men love the company so much that they would kill for it. She calls Lucious a legend but also says Hakeem helped her build Lyon's Dynasty from nothing and he deserves their respect.
She tells Hakeem and Lucious that they need to show the shareholders that they won't fight with one another but will fight together to make the company great.
Lucious gets on stage and shakes hands with Hakeem. Hakeem is not smiling.

The shareholders vote Hakeem out.
He goes out to tell Cookie and Lucious. Cookie gives him a hug and tells him she is proud of him and he did the best he could.
Lucious tells him he should be proud because he can tell his kids that he ran Empire for 10 minutes.
Hakeem walks away and Cookie confronts Lucious.
He tells her that she always says she wanted their family back together and she knows what will happen now. She says she knows they will come back to him to grovel.

Jamal gets to the studio to record with Stacy but he meets only Cookie and a producer.
Cookie tells him that Stacy sent in her verse and she's in Tokyo.
Jamal doesn't like it but he gets in the booth and tries to record but he is doing a shoddy job.
He tells his mum he can't work like this, he doesn't need Stacy because he was already doing well with Freda Gaths.

Jamal meets Freda at the barber shop and tells her he wants her on the album and not Stacy.
Freda listens to him but her face doesn't give anything away.
He asks if they can record tonight and she says she will think about it.

Thirsty enters a retirement home and meets the lady in charge. He asks if everything is fine and she answers in the affirmative.
She asks if he wants to see ' Mrs W'.
He says he doesn't need to, as long as everything is fine.
He hands her an envelope filled with money then takes a looks at a lady sitting in a rocking chair and singing. Lucious' mother!

*This Episode is titled 'Time Shall Unfold'

*Catch 'Empire' every Thursday on Fox (DSTV Channel 125) at 7pm

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