Thursday 14 April 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 168 Recap - Aired: Thursday 14 April 2016

Kshitij enters the bedroom to meet Kalika. He says he was made to sing and dance like a puppet and he hates marriages.
He takes off his turban and throws it down. He says everyone did what they wanted at the wedding and now it's time for him and Kalika to celebrate their own way.
He gives her a glass of alcohol and tells her she has to get used to it, she took a vow to support him so they have to drink together.
He says they have completely fooled everyone.
She drinks with him.

She gets moody and tells him he needs to stay aware of what he is doing and not let the alcohol get in his way. She says she is here to take her revenge on the father who abandoned her and since he is not around, the kids will pay for their father’s sins, as much pain as she and her mother had to bear, Saloni and her siblings will pay much more.
She tells him his alcohol is his weakness and he needs to get rid of it. The night he showed up at her place drunk, he spilled his entire secret and if it were anyone else he would be in prison.
He tells her if he wasn't drunk and exposed his intention to her, she wouldn't have married him.

He shows her a text on his phone and tells her he has the text message she sent to him so he will use it if she ever gets weak and decides to change her mind.
Kalika tells him she has no intention of changing her mind. Saloni and her siblings will suffer.

Kalika freshens up and changes to sleepwear. Kshitij tells her she looks beautiful. She gives him a bed sheet and tells him to take a pillow and sleep on the couch.
Kshitij reminds her that they are husband and wife. Kalika says their marriage is just a contract and he can't come near her, she hates relationships.

In the morning, Tara knocks on the door. Kshitij gets up to open the door but Kalika stops him.  She takes the pillow and blanket from the couch and puts them on the bed then she messes up his hair and hooks one of her earrings on his shirt to make it look like they had consummated their marriage.
They open the door and Tara teases Kshitij about his hair and the earring on his shirt.

Ambica tells Kaveri that Shama will live with them henceforth . Kaveri says Ambica wants her husband 's mistress to stay with them, it won’t happen because it is her husband's house and only what she says will go.
Ambica says she's always been quiet when Kaveri talks rubbish but today she will talk back. She says Samar is not the sole owner of the house, Narpat sold his ancestral home to come up with part of the money for the house so she has as much rights to the house as Kaveri does.

Samar comes to see Kalika in her matrimonial home. Veer says Kalika hasn't spent time and Samar wants to take her away already.
Saloni says it's for some after-marriage rituals.
Kalika comes downstairs with Kshitij. She greets everyone then asks Kshitij if she can go with Samar. He grants her permission.

Kalika gets to the house and Ambica prays for her. Kalika starts to shed tears, she says they're tears of joy. Ambica shows her Shama and the tears increase.
She hugs her mum.Kaveri comes out to say hello then they all leave.
When Kalika is alone with her mum, Kalika tells her that the house belongs to Narpat and he is not around  so she will take revenge on the children. Shama is mute as usual.

A man comes in and tells Kalika he wants to pick up the dirty laundry. Kalika goes to bring them but puts lipstick stains on Samar's shirt.
She calls Kaveri to come and help select the clothes.
Kaveri sees the lipstick stains and takes the shirt from the laundry man.
When Samar approaches, she is about to ask him but gets tongue-tied. He leaves when she doesn't say anything.
Kaveri  doesn’t give the shirt back to the laundry guy.
Kalika goes to ask her why she didn’t give him the shirt. She sees the stains and says Kaveri is acting as if the satins were not made by her. She says her brother is not that type of man to go after other women.

Kalika calls Samar at work and tells him she needs his help to select a Sari for Kaveri. They arrange a time to meet up.
Kaveri takes the shirt to the bedroom. She is pacing up and down, worried about the shirt  and thinking about what Kalika said.

Samar is driving Kalika to go and buy the sari. Kaveri calls and he stammers his answer because he doesn’t want to spill the beans. She calls again and he tells her he has a meeting at work.
Kalika tells him to drop the phone and concentrate on the drive. Kaveri calls back and he doesn't answer. She calls his office and she is told Samar is not in the office.

Kalika thanks Samar at the end of the day though they didn't find the Sari she wanted. She tells him not to tell Kaveri about it so as not to ruin his surprise.
He gets home and Kaveri asks why he's so late.  He says he was busy at work.
Kaveri gets really worried.

Kshitij tells the man working with him that he should make the first two pages and the last page of the document legal then they will place whatever they want in the middle.

He calls Brajesh on the phone and says he is sending over a file and Brajesh should go through it.
Brajesh says he has no need to read it if Kshitij already went through it.
The file is brought to Brajesh and he signs without reading it.

Kalika is feeding her mum and telling her how she plans to take revenge. Ambica comes to call. Her new family has come to collect her. Saloni, Nahr and Veer accompanied Kshitij.
Ambica gives Kalika gifts for her and her husband. She tells her God has given her a 3rd daughter.

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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