Wednesday 27 April 2016

'Hush' Season 1 Episode 18 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 27 April 2016

Bem asks Folahan what he is up to. Folahan throws the question back at him and Bem says he likes to come into the inner chambers sometimes, to clear his head.
They talk about the late Gerald and reminisce about old times.
Folahan offers Bem a drink but Bem reminds him that he doesn’t drink alcohol.
Bem walks out and Folahan follows, taking the seal with him, carefully concealing it.

Tes comes to see Adze at home. He tries to fool around but Adze is not in the mood.
He is worried about what their father will do to him after his confession. He tells his Tes that he is worried their dad may kick him out.
Tes tries to allay his fears.

Oye comes home looking worried and tired.
Coco asks her what is wrong. She says Arinola chose Babatunde Baker over her as her campaign manager.
Coco tells her to stick it out. She has worked too hard to quit now.
Oye says Arinola actually promised to make her Chief of Staff when she wins the governorship elections so she will just hang around but won’t make Babatunde’s job any easier.

Bem meets with one of his men. He tells the man that Folahan and Benson have been behaving rather suspiciously, so he needs them watched.

Folahan meets with Benson. He says Bem was lurking around the inner Chambers of the clubhouse.
Benson asks if Bem saw him take the seal and Folahan says he didn't.
He gives the seal to Benson.
Folahan says he is worried about Bem because he keeps sniffing around.

In the morning, as they are getting ready for work, Coco’s fiance comes to pick her up. He apologises to Oye and she says she is cool as long as he treats Coco right.

Bem walks into Adze’s room and meets him still in bed. Adze jumps up and gets treated to a lecture about freedom and the consequences of one's choices.
After giving him an earful, Bem tells him to get out of his house; he made the choice to smoke weed and now he has to deal with the consequences, one of which, is to leave the house.

Adze gets a call from his girlfriend.  She tells him she will leave work early and come over to spend the night.
He tells her he has been kicked out for telling his father the truth about the weed.

Tes is having breakfast with his dad. Bem says he will come with him to the office but Tes says he doesn't want to work for him.
Bem says he needs to be involved in the family business, he doesn’t have to go into fashion but he needs to know the business.
Tes asks about Adze and Bem says he kicked him out. Tes tries to beg for him but Bem is adamant.

Tes follows Bem to the office. Sule tells Bem that he wants to discuss something with him and Bem tells Tess to wait downstairs.

Coco comes in and sees Tes. She asks what he's doing here.
She goes on about him following her and refusing to acknowledge that she is back with her fiancé.
She asks who he came to see but before he can respond, Bem comes back downstairs and calls both of them to his office.

In the office, he introduces Coco to Tess as his head designer and he tells Coco that Tes is his son.
Coco is shocked and asks him again to be sure she heard correctly.
Tes is enjoying himself.
Bem tells her that Tes will be working closely with her and she needs to show him the ropes.

Adze moves into his girlfriend’s apartment.

Coco is showing Tes some designs but she can barely look at him.
He finds it amusing.
She says they need to talk outside and he says he can't, as he has some things to do but they will find the time later.

Benson meets up with Folahan in his car and they open the envelope that has the name of Gerard’s successor. The name inside the envelope is BEM.
Folahan shouts. Benson tells him it is a good thing that they took the measures to find out and now they can do something about it.

The man Bem put on their trail is watching them from his car, using binoculars.

*Catch 'Hush' every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 9:00pm C.A.T

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