Monday 11 April 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 165 Recap - Aired: Monday 11 April 2016

Padma apologises to Gaj for not believing him in the past and ruining their marriage.
He tells her to forget the past and focus on the present.
Shubhra sees them and thinks to herself that she wanted the reunion between Padma and Gaj but it has now ruined her own family.

Kaveri sees Ambica applying Vermillion on her head and she starts accusing her of staying married to a man who betrayed her. She says Narpat destroyed Ambica but she is still faithful to him.
Ambica says he hurt her deeply but she cannot deny the years they stayed together and Narpat is still her husband.

Kaveri says If she doesn't wipe away the vermillion from her head, she will do it for her. She raises her hand to wipe off the vermillion but Kalika grabs the hand.
Kalika says she can never sit back and allow Kaveri disrespect her mother.
Kaveri turns on her and says Kalika has gotten on her bad side and she will deal with her. Kalika says she won't allow the disrespect happen.
After Kaveri matches off I'm anger Kalika apologises to Ambica for raising her voice in her presence.  She says she's an advocate and she fights injustice.

Kaveri goes to Samar to paint a different story. She says Kalika was rude to Ambica. Samar is about to go to her but Kaveri tells him to wait. She says that the problem is Gaj who insisted that Kalika must stay in the house.
Kshitij shows his friend a document and tells him he will get Nahar and Brajesh to sign it and it will get them in trouble.

Kaveri gives Kalika juice to take to Samar. She takes it to him  and he throws it away, screaming at her never to enter his room.
He throws her out and accuses Kaveri of sending her to him.
Kaveri says Kalika insisted on taking it herself.
Kalika tries to protest but Samar shuts her up.
Ambica watches everything with a look of sympathy for Kalika.

A priest comes to Saloni’s matrimonial home and shows the family a photo of a girl he picked for Kshitij. The family pass the photo around but they are not satisfied. They tell him to bring a girl that stands out from the crowd.

Kaveri's friend comes to see her. The friend apologises for not attending Narpat and Ambica’s wedding anniversary party. Kaveri says it was a good thing she didn't attend. She tells her about Narpat's secret that was exposed then she points to Kalika and says she's the illegitimate daughter.

Tara and Saloni play with Tara's baby. They discuss what Saloni's baby's sex could be and Saloni says she wants a girl since they have Aditya and Ishaan already. A girl makes the family complete.
Ambica comes to see Saloni at home. She says every time she sees Kalika, it reminds her of the past and she wants to forget the past. She blames Saloni yet again for bringing such misery upon her. She says she has sacrificed so much for Saloni but now she is hurting because of her.
She finishes by saying Kalika must leave her house otherwise she will deal with Saloni.

Kshitij sees Kalika at the temple. They chat for a while then leave the temple together.
The family is still at home discussing plans to get a wife for Kshitij. He gets home and Saloni asks how he got a dot on his forehead. He tells her he went to the temple. He says Kalika made him go to the temple and he has found peace.
Kshitij leaves them and Saloni says she has found the girl for Kshitij. Kalika.
Veer says he has an objection. He knows Kalika is a good girl but she is an illegitimate daughter and it will be a problem for their family's honour. Saloni tries to remind him that even his own son, Kshitij had issues but he has changed. Kalika is being blamed for something that is no fault of hers.
 Kshitij  joins them and says he has no objection to marrying Kalika.
Veer apologises to Saloni and says he will be glad to have Kalika as his daughter in law.
They tell Saloni to go and see her.
Saloni calls her and she says she's at Gaj’s house. Saloni says she will come and see her.
Kshitij decides to go with Saloni.
They get to the house and Kshitij gets down on his knees to propose. Kalika remembers what her mum is going through, she hits the ring and says she can never get married that marriage is not for her. Her mum has gone through enough.
Saloni tells her not all marriages are doomed, like her own marriage to Nahar is a happy one.
Kalika still insists she doesn't want to get married. Saloni tells Gaj to speak with her.
Gaj tells her her mother is in her condition because she waited a long time to get married. He tells her not to wait too long like her mother did, Kshitij is from a good family and she should day yes.

Kshitij tells her he won't force her but he wants to show her something first.
He takes Kshitij and the others to the hospital and shows them his mother.
He tells Kalika that his own mother tortured his father and if he wants to act like Kalika who hates all men because of one man, then he should hate all women because of his mother but he says he won't do that because people are not all the same.
He says he is prepared to wait all his life for her consent.
Nahar adds his own two cents to the matter. He tells Kalika that when her mother gets better she will be very happy to see Kalika is married.
Saloni tells her to think about it.
 As they are about to leave, Kalika tells Saloni to wait. She says she realises she has been wrong in hating others because of one person. She accepts the proposal.
She apologises and they tell her there is no need for the apology.
She says she wants to apologise to Kshitij as well. Nahar calls him on the phone but it is switched off.
Kalika says she has an idea where he might be so she will go and talk to him.
Saloni and Nahar get home and break the good news. The family is happy.   They pass sweets around.

Kalika meets up with Kshitij at the temple. She tells him Saloni spoke to her and Gaj too. Everything they said was true.
She says she decided after everything that she will marry him.
He is happy.

The family get ready to go to Samar's house to talk to them about the relationship and intended marriage of their daughter. Brajesh says it will be better if  a few of them go and not all of them so that the family is not overwhelmed.
Saloni, Veer and Nahar go to meet Ambica and tell her why they have come.
Kaveri is seated next to Ambica. Samar comes in and says “over his dead body” He says the marriage will not take place in their house.
Gaj says he knew it would happen and Kalika would get married even  if he has to turn the world upside down. He tells Kalika to get her things so they can leave. She refuses.
She tells Samar he has no right to object. The house belongs to her father and not Samar or anyone can stop it from happening

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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