Tuesday 26 April 2016

'Tinsel' Season 8 Episode 1762 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 26 April 2016

Chuks takes his bag to Soji’s place. Soji is already in bed.
Chuks complains about his in-laws meddling in his marital affairs.
Soji asks if he wants something to eat and Chuks makes his way to the kitchen.
He is still complaining in the kitchen but Soji is not listening.
He comes back to the main room and continues talking to Soji who is fast asleep.

Brenda and Zane are still in an embrace.  He kisses her and she says she will miss him.
He gives her one last kiss then leaves.
Brenda turns to walk back to the office and she comes face to face with Angela.
Angela says Brenda and Zane are pretty close.
Brenda tries to downplay it but she is doing a poor job of keeping her nerves in check.
She says they became friends but he's gone now
Angela says Sankey warned her about Zane.
Brenda says there should be no reason for that because there is no connection between Angela and  Zane. She says that Sankey sometimes just blabs so she won't take it seriously.
She walks away and Angela looks at her like she didn’t buy anything Brenda just said.

Soji wakes Chuks up in the morning. Chuks doesn’t respond at first and Soji has to really shake him and yell.
Chuks wakes up with an obvious hangover.
Soji asks him what happened last night. Chuks says he had just a few drinks.
Soji tells him he now has a hangover and the next time he wants to go drinking, he should call him so as to keep him in check.
Chuks looks at his phone and he’s surprised to see a lot of missed calls from Ene and her father.
There is a knock on the door and Ene's father walks in, not smiling at all.
He asks why Chuks is not at home with his wife and child.

Caeser continues to torture Tsav. Tsav asks if Yahimba lived to see another day. Caeser says it shows he still cares about her so he must give him what he needs or he will blow her brains out.
Tsav says he can do whatever he likes.
Caeser says maybe he should go after his sisters then. Tsav repeats he can do whatever he wants, then he reminds him that he is in control because Caeser wants something from him.
That earned him a punch.

Amaka is at Sheila's. She tells Sheila she went to the police station but they practically accused her of being Tsav's accomplice and they think this is all part of a plan to help him escape.
Sheila says it does sound like something Tsav would do.
Amaka is upset. For once she is playing the role of Tsav’s advocate. She says she was there and he was really kidnapped; she knows he has done a lot of shady things in the past but this time is different.
Sheila asks why she is so sure but before she could answer, the ICC agents come in.
The female agent tells Sheila that they came with a search warrant to search the premises for Tsav or anything that can lead them to Tsav.

Angela is at work, worried. Brenda asks her what is wrong and Angela says Masters didn't come back home and his phone is switched off. She knows something is wrong.
Brenda tells her to calm down.
Angela asks if Brenda thinks he left her.

Chuks starts his usual stammer whenever he is facing his angry father-in-law.  He father-in-law says when Chuks called him last night, he didn’t sound evasive like he’s doing now.. He accuses Soji of allowing his friend call to tell him such things.
Soji is confused as he has no clue what the man is talking about.
The father-in-law says Chuks called and accused him of interfering in his marriage; he even said he could come and collect his daughter.
Chuks say he can explain.
The father-in-law brings out a note and hands to Chuks saying that is the bride price he paid so he can have it back.
Chuks develops a backbone and says he can't collect it as all protocols must be observed; it wasn’t just him who paid the bride price, his family paid.
The father seems slightly impressed, he says Chuks is now “getting small small sense” and he will wait to hear from his family.

The agents finish searching the house and say they found nothing. They say they want to take Sheila in for questioning.
Sheila says she won't go but they tell her she has no say in the matter and it will only take an hour.
She asks Amaka to come with her. Amaka says she has something to take care of but will join her at the station later

Sankey comes to meet Brenda at work
Brenda tries to play it cool but Sankey asks of her bodyguard
Brenda says she doesn't have a bodyguard anymore and Zane no longer works with her.
Sankey says she told her not to let him out of her sight
Brenda says she also said he was dangerous and she couldn't hold him down when he wanted to leave.
Sankey says she needs to question him as there was an accident and he may know something about it.
She also says there's something she needs to tell Angela and she will need some comforting afterwards.

The agent finishes questioning Sheila at the station. Yaya comes in to see her and Sheila tells her they are beginning to think Tsav planned the kidnap. Yaya doesn’t believe it.
Philip also comes in and they all leave the station.

Soji tells Chuks that alcohol has done some damage to him.
Chuks checks his phone sees the time he spent on the call to his father-in-law was 26minutes.  He starts to lament that he must have said a lot of things on the call.
Soji says they have to do some damage control.

Laide is in Amaka’s office. She asks Amaka if she knows why Philip had to us rush away. He got a call that had to do with Yaya and he dashed away.
Amaka says she has no idea. Laide just wants to do gbeborun.
Laide leaves the office and Amaka locks the door, takes out the diamonds from her bag and locks them up  in her office drawer.

Sankey and Brenda enter Angela's office, looking sober.
Sankey says they need to talk. She asks if Masters has been found.
Sankey says they found his car and his body was burnt.
Angela laughs and says that’s not his body. She asks to see it and Sankey says it was burnt beyond recognition
Angela continues laughing. She says they're talking like they don't know Masters. She tells them that that is not his body.
She laughs and leaves them in her office, looking confused. I hope the laughter is her really believing he can't be dead and not a ressurection of Angelique.

*Catch Tinsel every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 8:30pm C.A.T

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