Friday 29 April 2016

'Hush' Season 1 Episode 19 Recap - Aired: Thursday 28 April 2016

Folahan asks Benson what will now happen and Benson says they will change the name in the envelope.
Folahan tells him that the votes are currently tied between him and Bem and this envelope is the tie breaker, meaning if they leave the name as it is, Bem will become the new head .
Folahan tells Benson that if he is the new head, Benson will be his second in command.
Benson says he is aware and will do the needful.
Folahan says he served Gerard and he should be the obvious choice as he is even running to be governor but for Gerald, it has always been Bem.
Benson tells him not to worry.

Oye and Arinola are expecting Chief Lasisi and some party big wigs at work. Oye is anxious and coming down hard on the staff.

Chief Lasisi, Babtunde Baker and the man who is going to be Arinola’s running mate, arrive for the meeting.
Oye is eager to prove herself, she hands them some documents that show what they’ve done with the campaign till date.
Chief is not interested. He asks for the most important things, one being funds, what they have in their coffers towards the campaign.
Oye does not have a figure. Arinola tells them that she has been paying for the campaign from her own pocket.
They are shocked.
Chief  tells Arinola that her campaign office looks like a house.
Arinola says it is indeed her house, she’s trying to save cost because she has been paying for everything herself just to stay away from playing the dirty game of god-fatherism.
Chief and the others cannot believe what they are hearing. Chief tells her she cannot use her house as a campign office Her house should be a safe haven where she gets away from it all because the office will have just about anybody coming and going out of it.
He ask Oye what she has been doing since she was the one heading the campaign all along.
Arinola comes to Oye’s defense telling them that everything was ultimately her own decision

Chief takes Arinola outside for a private talk.
He tells her that her divorce issue is a problem for them; she's running for Governor and people will have an issue with it since she couldn't keep her home, how will she then run a state.
She asks if she cannot be judged on her merits and policies, she gets upset saying it is because she is a woman.
Chief listens to her and says he is only telling her what the people would think, no one cares if she did her best or if she wasn’t the one at fault, they expect the woman to be the one to keep the home.
Arionla keeps her cool and listens to him.
He finishes by saying , It's either she reconciles with her husband or she finds another.

Bem's man tells him Folahan and Benson were talking in the car and Folahan gave him something. Bem asks what it was. The man says he couldn’t really see it.
Bem opens the box where the ring  for the seal is placed and laughs.

Oye meets Arinola in the office and Arinola tells her what happened with Chief Lasisi.
Arinola apologises to her and tells her she won't allow anyone treat her like an intern.

Iyke's Mother has her things outside threatening to leave. He begs her not to leave and they start dragging the bags.
Her grouse is that he threatened to send her packing because of his girlfriend.
He gets on his knees to beg and she eventually agrees to stay.

A lawyer comes to see Arinola in the office. He invites her for the reading of Gerald's will.  She asks if Nse, Gerald’s daughter, has been notified.
The lawyer says they have tried but have not been able to reach her.

The club members are gathered in the clubhouse.
Bem goes up to Benson and asks what he and Folahan are up to. Benson says there is nothing.
Bem says he's thinking that Folahan got him to break the seal so as to change the name on the envelope for Gerald’s successor.
Benson doesn’t own up to it but Bem continues. He says he thinks if thats the case then Benson is helping Folahan because Folahan may have made him a promise, probably to make him a warden if he wins.
Benson says Bem cannot prove anything.
Bem tells him to think and choose wisely because Folahan just deceived him; the position of warden is a lifelong one and can’t be changed at will.

Tes makes a call and tells the caller “Guess who is back in business? It's time for the next step"
Tes is definitely up to something.  

*Catch 'Hush' every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 9:00pm C.A.T

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