Thursday 14 April 2016

'Tinsel' Season 8 Episode 1755 Recap - Aired: Thursday14 April 2016


Telema comes back home to meet Bimpe sleeping on the sofa.
She wakes her up, excited to give her the news.
Bimpe reluctantly gets up and listens as Telema tells her she has found a solution to their problem, Joanne.
Bimpe flips when she hears the name.She says Telema went against her and Soji’s wish.
Telema says Joanne can help and they need to do what is best for their film.
Bimpe says she doesn't want to have anything to do with Joanne, not after what she did to her.
Telema wants to know what Joanne did to her but Bimpe says she doesn't want to talk about it. Telema is upset and says Bimpe doesn't trust her enough. Bimpe tells her Joanne is the lady who came between her and Soji.

Soji is at Bimpe’s.
Telema says she sent for him because she may have found a way to help with the funds they need.
She drops the name ‘Joan’ and Soji says ‘Lailai!  That she is bad news.
Telema says she knows why. Soji says she now understands where he is coming from.
Bimpe who has been there all along, looking morose,says they need the money so they will go and see

Philip and Laide are working in his office. He apologizes for what she saw and she says some things are just plain wrong .
He says Yaya is his wife and she reminds him that this is an office.
Philip gets up and walks towards the door. He tells her the meeting is over and ushers her out for being ‘condescending especially after what she did with his father’.

Yaya comes home to meet Sheila and Tsav. Sheila asks if they have  read the advance copy of her book. They say they haven’t had the time.
She tells them she wrote that St. John is her father and both their fathers are unknown.

Soji, Bimpe and Telema are seated in front of Joanne in her office.
She offers them drinks and asks Soji if he still likes his coffee with 2 cubes of sugar.
The tension in the room rose to power 10 after that question.
Soji doesn’t respond.

Joanne says she will like to be a part of the movie but she has her conditions: Parita hair products will be featured in the movie and she also wants Telema.
Telema is confused. Joanne Clarifies; she wants Telema to become the new brand ambassador for Parita Hair, for free, whilst Bimpe steps down.
There’s an uncomfortable silence so she decides to leave them to discuss amongst themselves.

As she leaves, she reminds Soji that they still have personal unfinished business.

Tsav tells Sheila that what she just told them is a lot to take in.
Yaya is upset and says Sheila only thinks about herself. She asks that if it was Sheila’s Dad who was unknown will she release the information.
Tsav tries to placate her but she walks off in anger.

Zane enters Brenda’s office but sees just Angela.  He is about to leave when she stops him. She asks if Brenda is still in danger and he says she isn’t. She asks for the name of the Agency Brenda got him from and he tells her to ask Brenda.

 Laide enters Amaka’s office to report Philip to her.She says she walked in on Philip about to have sex in his office.
Amaka is shocked and wants to know who Philip was with.
Philip enters the office and says he knows Laide would come and tell Amaka.
He tells Amaka that Laide saw him with Yaya.
Amaka is relieved but Laide says it doesn’t matter who the other person was because it is not the right environment for such.
Philip says she should have knocked before coming into his office and since she didn’t, she deserves whatever she saw.
He says henceforth, she will make an appointment with his secretary if she wants to see him.

Telema asks Soji and Bimpe what will happen given Joan’s conditions. Soji says he warned her about Joanne because he knows the kind of person she is, she wouldn’t do anything for free.
Bimpe is quiet. Soji says he won't sell his soul to the devil. He gets up to leave but Telema calls him back and reminds him that he has the biggest stake in the matter considering he owes 600k.
Joanne comes back into the room and Bimpe tells her they will accept her offer.
Joanne immediately writes her a cheque.

Brenda and Zane are coming out of her office when they run into Masters  at the reception. Brenda is startled and stutters her greeting. Zane tells him he has been looking forward to meeting him. He extends his hand for a handshake but Masters ignores it and just nods.
Brenda asks if he has come to see Angela and he says he has. She is not composed at all.

Richard is at the spa with Yaya. She tells him about Sheila and the book. He agrees that Sheila has no right to put the information out there.
He gets up to give her a neck rub.
Sheila starts knocking on the door and Yaya goes into panic mode.

*Catch Tinsel every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 8:30pm C.A.T

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