Tuesday 19 April 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 171 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 19 April 2016

Nahar, Saloni, Tara and Kshitij are in the back of an ambulance with Kalika who is unconscious and breathing through an oxygen mask.
 Nahar says he didn’t know what Kalika was planning otherwise he wouldn’t have allowed it.
Kshitij says it was because they paid the family compensation that Kalika resorted to drinking the medicine. That was the only way she could win the case. Tara turns to Saloni and blames her for Kalika’s condition.

They get to the hospital and Brajesh joins them.
The family members assure Kshitij that nothing will happen to Kalika.

Gaj arrives in anger and tells Brajesh that nothing should happen to Kalika otherwise he will come after he family. He grabs Brajesh by the collar.
Veer joins them and removes Gaj’s hands from Brajesh. He assures him nothing will happen.
Tara blames Saloni again and says she will be held responsible if anything happens to Kalika.

Saloni goes to the hospital prayer room to pray for Kalika.

Kalika regains consciousness.
One of the doctors, goes out to inform the family that she is out of danger.
They ask to see her but he tells them she has been sedated and they can come back in the morning.
Saloni offers to stay in the hospital but Tara tells her angrily that she has done enough for Kalika so she should go and she (Tara) will look after Kalika instead.

Brajesh goes to apologise to Gaj. He says he had no idea what Kalika was going to do.

Gaj is home with Padma. Shubhra comes in to tell Padma to please watch her child while she goes out to get food.
Gaj attacks her, saying she is thinking of food instead of Kalika.
Padma joins in, she says Shubhra and her sister, Saloni are the same. They pretend to be soft but they are wicked.

Saloni asks Nahar why Tara will think she did everything on purpose to hurt Brajesh. Nahar says Tara is just dealing with her grief by channelling her anger towards  Saloni. He consoles her and she thanks him.

Tara and Brajesh go to see Kalika at the hospital.
Tara says she wants to get medicine from  the pharmacy for Kalika.
When she leaves, Brajesh thanks Kalika. She says not to thank her. He asks her why she had to lie instead of telling the truth.
She says he is innocent. Brajesh says he is not.
Kalika says she checked the documents and one of the workers was negligent.
Brajesh is angry. He asks her who and she says she doesn't want to cause trouble in the family. He says he won't implicate her.
She says it's Dheer.
Brajesh says he thought Dheer  had changed from his old ways.
Tara comes back and asks why Brajesh is angry. He tells her to follow him and they leave the hospital.

Brajesh gets home and calls out Dheer’s name in a very angry and loud voice.
He confronts him and asks if it was his negligence that led to the fake medicines entering the market. Dheer apologises and says he didn't know how it happened and he was going to tell everyone but he didn't know how.
Brajesh says those people could have died. Dheer’s look changes from remorse to a silly smile. He says the people are poor and a little money will mean somthing to them so Brajesh can give them some small money and they will be happy.
Brajesh slaps him.
Babho says he shouldn't have hit him.
Brajesh says Dheer uttered filth . Poor people are also humans and shouldn't be treated like they don't matter.
Dheer gets upset and says he has had enough of the family. The others try to stop him but he says he had had enough.
He goes to the room to pack his things, Ishaan is watching him.
Nahar and Saloni go to the room to  plead with him but Dheer says he has made up his mind.

Veer goes to visit Kalika in the hospital. She starts to cry crocodile tears and tells veer she won't tolerate injustice but she regrets her actions.
 Veer asks what she is regretting. She says she lied to the court to save Brajesh; she proved Brajesh is not guilty but he is guilty.
She says the incident with the fake drugs wouldn’t have happened if Brajesh was more cautious. She says she knows Brajesh will not tell the truth.
Veer gets a call from Nahar begging him to hurry home. He tells him about the fight between Brajesh and Dheer.
Veer tells Kalika not to feel guilty because she has done him a favour by revealing the truth.

Babho blames Brajesh for rarising his hand to Dheer. Tara says because of Dheer, Brajesh went to jail and he is to blame as well as Saloni.
Nahar defends Saloni and Tara argues with him.
Ishaan’s voice is heard saying that he doesn’t want to go. Dheer is dragging him as he leaves. Saloni begs him to stay, he says he won’t.
Veer arrives and says Dheer is not going anywhere. He faces Brajesh and accuses him of blaming Dheer but as the CEO, Brajesh didn't check to be sure the employees were working diligently.
He tells Brajesh to apologise to Dheer.
Tara tries to defend Brajesh but Veer gives her a look that instantly shuts her up.
Brajesh apologises to Dheer. Veer says he has to plead.
Brajesh says he made a mistake and he apologises for that.

Veer apologises to Dheer as well and tells him not to go.
Dheer says he won't give in, not even to Veer.  He takes Ishaan’s hand and they leave.

Kshitij is at the hospital giving Kalika the update of all the drama at home. He says Brajesh has lost the respect of his uncle today and the next son (Nahar) will be targeted soon. He thanks her.
She tells him he is rushing ahead again, that the small incident cannot break a relationship that has been built in years.

Back home, Brajesh apologises profusely to Veer. He says he can't bear it when his uncle ignores him.
Saloni apologises on Brajesh's behalf and says unity has been their biggest strength as a family and this matter should not divide them.
Veer says it's not unity but respect that unites them as a family; when sons own up to their mistakes for the sake of their elders. He faces Brajesh and says he is not happy to see him unhappy. They embrace each other.

Dheer and Kshitij are at the pub. Dheer is drunk.  He complains about Brajesh and Kshitij says he knows what Brajesh did was not right.
Dheer continues to complain and says he can be a very dangerous person when he wants to be; the family used him all these years and he will show them.
Kshitij is happy he has found the weakest link in the family.

Saloni is cooking and singing to her baby. Tara enters the kitchen and Saloni tells her she hasn't slept for days so she should go and rest while she handles the food with Babho. She apologises to Tara again but Tara doesn't say a word.
Babho commends Saloni’s cooking. Saloni looks uneasy and Babho tells her to go and rest.

Kalika joins Tara in the kitchen but Tara tells her to go and rest since she has just been discharged from the hospital.

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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