Thursday 28 April 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 178 Recap - Aired: Thursday 28 April 2016

Veer tells the family that he wants to throw a grand party but he wants the proof to show he's really going to be a grandfather.
Tara says Kalika took a home test and it was positive.
Veer insists that he wants a test done, just to be sure.
Kshitij says he will take Kalika to the hospital.
Tara says they can't go alone; she and Saloni will go with them.

At the hospital, a doctor takes a sample and tells them to come back in the evening.
When they get back home, Saloni immediately grabs Advitya from Babho and starts to play with him. Tara is watching and not happy about it.
Saloni tells Advitya that he will get a friend soon. She asks if he wants a boy or a girl.
Tara doesn't say a word.

Kshitij is worried as he is not sure if Kalika is really pregnant or it’s just one of her plans.
Nahar and Brajesh go to the office to chat with him a little then he tells them he is going to the hospital to collect the results of the pregnancy test.

An unknown woman goes to the hospital to collect Kalika's report and she gives the nurse a lot of money, as a bribe, for it.
Kshitij gets to the hospital and the nurse tells him a lady just collected the result.

Saloni answers the door. Kalika's report is delivered by courier.
She tells Tara and Babho about it and they open it to see it is, of course, positive.
They are very excited and hug Kalika to congratulate her.

The man who delivered the courier, makes a call to the lady who collected the result from the hospital to inform her that he carried out her wish.
She tells him to come for his money. She is holding the real result in her hands and she tears it up.

Saloni calls Nahar on the phone to give him the news.  She tells him she is sad because it brings back memories of their own child.
Nahar says he's also depressed.
They agree to put their own sadness aside and support Kalika.
Nahar suggests throwing her a lovely shower and Saloni tells him it is still too early.
They decide to come up with another present for her.

Kshitij confronts Kalika and asks how come she is pregnant. She says she is not pregnant that she forged the result.
Kshitij says she may get caught and he doesn't want to be thrown out of the house with her because he doesn't understand her game.

Saloni takes the pregnancy result to the hospital to book a private maternity room for Kalika.
They nurse checks the system and tells Saloni that the report is fake as she cannot find the name in their computer system.

Kalika tells Kshitij that she forgot to collect the report from Saloni.
She goes to Saloni's room but she is not there.
She meets Dheer and asks about Saloni. Dheer tells her that Saloni told him not to say but he will tell her anyways; Saloni has gone to the hospital to book the best maternity room for Kalika as a gift.

The lady who collected the report initially, is back at the hospital. Saloni bumps into her but doesn't see her face.
The nurse she had paid earlier meets up with Saloni and says there was an error in the entry but she has corrected it. She says Kalika is indeed pregnant and she will book a room for her.

Babho calls Kalika to her side and tells her that they need to say some prayers for an hour daily for the baby.
Kalika is alarmed.
Nahar and Saloni come in and tell Kalika that they booked the best room in the hospital for her.
Ambica appears with Shama. Kalika is pleasantly surprised.
She tells them to leave her mother with her for a while and she will return her back in the evening.

Kalika takes her mother to the room and shows her Narpat's photo. She says she will soon take revenge on his daughter, Saloni.
Shama takes the photograph in excitement and shock, then says Narpat will be back.
Kalika tells her that she will make sure Saloni gets thrown out of the house because of the same baby she is excited about and she will make sure she inherits all that's due Saloni.

Saloni and Babho are seated in the living room with a plate of food.  Babho calls Kalika and tells her to eat.
Kalika says the food is oily and unhealthy.  Babho tells her she has to eat it because of the baby.
Tara comes in with Aditya and Saloni wants to take him from her but Tara tells her that Advitya needs to be with his mother too.

Kshitij is with Veer in the office. He tells Veer that the supplier they have is not an honest man.  Veer says he will investigate the matter.

Babho and the women of the house fuss over Kalika.  They make her eat, tell her not to lie on her stomach and make her exercise. Kalika is not finding any of it funny.

Padma and Gaj come to visit Kalika at home. They tell her that they have a surprise for her.
In walks the woman who paid for the real result at the hospital.  Saloni looks at her and tries to remember where they had seen before.
Kalika introduces her as her aunt Laali.
Aunt Laali says she has come to look after Kalika and she won't leave till she sees her grandchild.
Kalika says the family is already taking care of her. Aunt Laali says she cannot have too much care and she doesn't want to take chances.

Tara, Kalika, Babho and aunt Laali are seated at the dinning. Saloni joins them and aunt Laali tells her she heard from Gaj about her miscarriage and inability to conceive again.
She goes on and on about how it is difficult to live like that, then she says what you sow in life is what you reap, people have to pay for their sins.
Saloni and the other ladies look at her, aghast.
Saloni is in tears.
Kalika tries to rein aunt laali in but she carries on. She says Saloni is like her daughter and she has to be able to talk to her and say what she feels.
She says if they don't want her to speak her mind then she would leave.
Saloni tells her not to leave.

Aunt Laali follows Kalika to the bedroom and Kalika thanks her for helping to change the hospital report.
She tells Kalika not to worry because she will take care of her.
Kalika tells her not to forget the reason why she is here; she wants Narpat to see his children suffer so he can understand the pain he caused her.
Laali says she knows Kalika wants to create hostility between Saloni and Tara so they need to start today.

Advitya is crying and Tara is trying to console him and cook at the same time.  Laali goes to meet Tara and says she will help her cook.
Saloni comes and just before she enters the kitchen Laali yells for her to stop and not enter.
She says Saloni just had a miscarriage therefore she is still unclean and will remain so for 40days. She can't enter the kitchen or the temple.
Babho comes in and asks what happened.
Laali tells her everything.
Babho says they do not believe in those customs and Laali says that is the reason why such a calamity befell them.
She tells them they need to adhere to the custom so no trouble comes to Advitya or Kalika's unborn baby.
Tara is listening.
Advitya is still crying.
Babho takes Advitya from her and wants to give him to Saloni but Laali takes him from her.
She says she knows how to make a child stop crying. She puts something in his mouth and he stops crying.
 She tells them she will take him outside to play. As she walks past Saloni, she makes sure her body doesn't come in contact with Saloni’s, as though she was a leper. Saloni stands there with tears running down her face.

Dheer is watching all along and thinking that Saloni's tears is payback for the slap Brajesh gave him because of her.

Kshitij is with Veer in the office. An employee comes in and complains that the supplier that Brajesh and Nahar have been working with, has a bad reputation and he has even been blacklisted but they are still doing business with him.
Veer tells him to hand over the books so he can look through them.
Kshitij is happy that another one of his plans is falling into place.

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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