Friday 29 April 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 179 Recap - Aired: Friday 29 April 2016

 Laali is taking care of Advitya and talking to Tara.
She says she has a lot of experience with children and can tell who loves a child and wishes them bad.
She asks Tara to get her water. When Tara leaves the room, she shows Saloni's photo  to Advitya tells Advitya to call Saloni ”Mummy”.

Brajesh tells Veer that the supplier is a good man and if they take their deal from him, he will be ruined. Veer says Brajesh needs to stop doing business with him.
Veer insists they stop doing business with him.
Nahar backs Brajesh up.
Veer says if they will keep going against his wish then he will leave them alone to do as they want.
Nahar wants to say more but Brajesh tells him not to say anything. He tells Veer that they will carry out his wish.
Brajesh and Nahar leave the office and Kshitij tells Veer that they were being rude. Veer says Brajesh has never behaved like that before.

Babho consoles Saloni over the things Laali said regarding cutoms.
Saloni says she doesn't want anything bad to happen because of her so if they don't want her in a room,  she will obey.

Nahar and Brajesh come home looking worried.
Saloni and Dheer ask them what is wrong.
Brajesh asks Saloni for water and as she is going, she remembers what Laali said so she begs Babho to get the water
Nahar asks why she is sending Babho instead.  Saloni doesn’t respond.
Dheer says he will tell them.  Saloni tries to stop him but he goes ahead anyways.
He tells them what aunt Laali said.
Saloni leaves the room in tears.
Brajesh is angry, saying she hasn't spent 2 days in the house and she's giving orders.
Nahar is also upset he says Laali is taking advantage of being a relative and an elder.

Nahar goes to meet Saloni in the room. She says she has accepted it in good fate but she doesn't know why such things keep a happening to her. She laments over the loss of her daughter.
 Nahar says he will have a word with Laali but Saloni begs him not to.
Nahar consoles her.

Tara accuses Brajesh of caring too much about Saloni.
She says Laali talked about customs and they need to follow it.
He tells her that it is all nonsense
She says he is only concerned about Saloni.
She picks up her child and leaves the room.
Babho enters and Brajesh asks if she heard Tara.
Babho says he should just drop it because Tara will not listen.

The family gathers in the living room. Dheer says the snack he is eating tastes like what Saloni made.  There's an awkward silence in the room.
Dheer realises why and then he says he forgot she has been banned from entering the kitchen, by Laali.
Laali says she didn't stop anyone she merely spoke about custom.
She asks if Advitya has started talking yet. They say he hasn't.
She calls him and she asks him to say ‘Mum’. Tara is waving at him and trying to get his attention but Advitya looks at Saloni and calls her ‘Mummy’. Tara is upset.
Saloni is excited and picks Advitya up.
Everyone makes a fuss about Advitya saying his first word.
The more they talk, the more hurt Tara gets.
Tara goes to Advitya and tells him to call her Mummy but he doesn't.
She gets up and Laali goes to her.
Laali says it is a great injustice to her that her child is calling Saloni ‘Mummy’.
Saloni takes Advitya to Tara and tells her that Advitya may have called her mother but Tara is the real mum and the one who has first rights over him.

The family goes to the prayer room for blessings over the child.
After Tara performs the rituals, Brajesh tells Saloni to bless the child as well.
Saloni says she cannot, it is the right of the mother and Tara has already blessed him.
Brajesh insists but Saloni maintains that she can't.
 Tara is so upset that she has tears in her eyes.
Veer and the rest of the family tell Saloni to bless him, so Saloni gives in.
Aunt Laali goes to Tara and tells her Saloni is very smart in making people say what she wants them to; first she made Advitya call her ‘mum’ and now she wants to bless the child.
 Tara leaves the room.

Brajesh goes to meet her in the bedroom packing up a bag.
She tells him to take the bag, it's filled with Advitya's things. She tells him to take them to Saloni since he no longer considers her the mother.
Brajesh tells her that she ought to be ashamed of herself because Saloni lost her own child while trying to save theirs.

Brajesh leaves the room and sees Laali eavesdropping. He asks her what she is doing there.
She is shocked but quickly get over it and lies that she came to call them for the family photographs.
She says Tara is not wrong because the customs dictate so.
Brajesh puts her in her place by reminding her that she is a guest and an elder so she needs to act accordingly.

Brajesh gets back to the others and Saloni asks for Tara.  He says she has a migraine.
Dheer asks what will happen with the family photograph.
Saloni says without Tara, it is incomplete, so they will wait till she can be part of it.

Everyone leaves the room but Babho asks Brajesh what is wrong.  He says he doesn't understand Tara these days.

Next day,Tara takes food to Brajesh and he thanks her.
She asks if he thinks she is a bad wife. She says he didn't carry out his duties as a husband in defending her when she had issues with Saloni.
Brajesh gets upset and says he doesn't understand what she has become.
Saloni comes in and says she wants to take Advitya outside for fresh air.
Tara says she will take him out by herself.
Saloni says, no problem, she will go and warm up his bath water.
Tara says she will do it herself.
Saloni asks why Tara is acting this way.
Brajesh makes an excuse, saying Tara is upset because she woke up with a headache.
When Saloni leaves, Brajesh begs Tara not to start any drama in the house as he wants peace.
Tara says she wants peace as well but he should promise her that Saloni will not come near her child again.
He leaves the room in anger.

Brajesh meets with the supplier in the office and apologizes to him.
The man says he is ruined and may have to sell his house to pay off the debt he has incurred.
Brajesh says he will cover his expenses.
As the man is leaving, Veer and Kshitij come into the office.
Veer asks Brajesh what the man was doing there and Brajesh says the man is in trouble and may need to sell his house.
Veer says he has to deal with the consequences of his actions.
Brajesh says he doesn't agree with him, with this, he walks out.

Kshitij asks Veer what is wrong and Veer says Brajesh is at odds with him.
Kshitij says he will talk to Brajesh.
He goes to Brajesh's office and says Brajesh being next to Veer in the company hierarchy,keeps him from going against Veer.  He says the only way is to put someone else in his place so as to make things easier.
Kshitij goes back to Veer and says he tried to talk to Brajesh but he didn't budge.

Tara notices Advitya has a fever so she calls for Babho.
Babho  and Saloni enter the room and she tells them he has a fever.
Saloni goes to get medicine but Tara says she will give it to him herself.
Laali comes in and Babho tells her not to worry because Saloni already brought medicine.

Later in the room, Kalika tells Laali that they need to take advantage of the situation and ensure that Advitya 's fever doesn't subside.

Saloni tells Nahar that she is restless and feels bad about Advitya' s fever is not coming down.
Nahar consoles her.

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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