Wednesday 13 April 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 167 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 13 April 2016

Ambica wakes up with Saloni by her side. Saloni tells her that Kalika risked her life to save her. Babho, who is also in the room, tells her she needs to accept Kalika and start treating her like a child.

Samar and Shubhra are with Kalika in her room, deciding on outfits for the wedding. Ambica stands in the doorway with Saloni and Babho.
Kalika calls Ambica ‘mother’ and tells her to come in. Ambica takes a step into the room, then retreats and goes back to her room.
Samar says he will go and talk to her but Saloni tells him not to force it. She will come around in her own time.

It's the day of the wedding and the siblings are gathered with Kalika. Saloni prays for her and she starts to cry.

The groom is with his own siblings as well, getting ready. They help him get dressed. Veer comes in and gets emotional on seeing Kshitij all dressed up in traditional grooms wear.

Padma is with Kalika and her siblings in Kalika’s bedroom. She says it's time for the bride’s mother to perform the ritual of placing the bangles on the bride.
She tells Saloni to call on Ambica.
Saloni goes round the houselooking for Ambica but she's nowhere to be found. Kaveri begins to gloat but Samar reins her in.

Kalika is in tears as everyone is waiting for Ambica before they can proceed with the wedding.
Padma asks if Kalika can honour her with the rights to bless the wedding bangles so she can stand in as her mother. Kalika says Padma has always been like a mother to her so she would like her to perform the rites.
Padma puts the bangles on her.

Kshitij and his family dance to the bride’s house. There is now the issue of who would welcome them since it’s the right of the bride’s mother.
Gaj tells padma welcome the groom and his family.
As she is about to do it, Ambica yells for her to stop.  They all look behind and see Ambica holding Shama, Kalika’s mother.
She says only the bride’s mother can welcome the groom and his family.
Kalika watches from the window of her house.
Ambica holds Shama’s hand and they perform the rites together.

Ambica and Shama go to meet Kalika in her room. Ambica gives her a hug. Kalika talks to Shama in tears. She begs her to say something just for today.
Ambica consoles her and tells her that her mother's blessings are always with her even if she cannot speak.
Everyone is involved in the wedding rituals.
Tara and Brajesh prepare Kshitij for the sword placement on the bride’s head.
Saloni and Shubhra prepare Kalika by covering her up.
Kshitij places the sword on his bride but when she lifts up the covers, he discovers he placed it on her feet.

During the nuptial ceremony, Shubhra ties the bride and groom together
When it's time to give Kalika away, Ambica tells Samar she knows he really wants to be the one to give his sister away but it is Gaj’s duty because he brought Kalika up.
Samar nods his agreement.
Gaj thanks Ambica for accepting and Showing Kalika love. He joins them together.

When it's time to move to her husband’s home, Kalika hugs her mother and Ambica in tears.
Then she hugs Samar, Kaveri and Shubhra.
Gaj gives her silver coins to give to the poor sitting outside the compound.
Kalika takes the coins to the poor and Saloni says she wishes Narpat was there to see Kalika get married.
Gaj tells Samar to perform the rite of putting the coconut underneath the car the couple will drive away in. This is the right of the bride’s father but since Narpat is not available, Samar will stand in for him.
As Samar places the coconut, one of the beggars moves close to him the bends and touches the coconut.
The beggar is actually Narpat with his head covered in a blanket so no one will recognise him.

Tara and Saloni lead the family to receive Kalika and Kshitij when they get home. They continue their marriage rituals.

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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