Thursday 7 April 2016

Video: Janet Jackson Just Might Be Pregnant!

The Singer who has been married to  Wissam Al Mana  for 4 years, released a Video, not to categorically say she is pregnant but to let us know she and hubby are starting a family.

Her statement:  “We’re in the second leg of the tour and there actually has been a sudden change. I thought it was important that you be the first to know… my husband and I are planning our family,” Janet says, a smile spread from ear-to-ear across her face. “So I’m gonna have to delay the tour. Please if you can understand that I have to do this now. I have to rest up, doctors orders!”

Watch the video after the cut

We need to remember Janet is 49 and if she is pregnant, it will be considered a 'high risk' pregnancy so she needs to follow her doctors orders to the letter.

Congratulations Jan!

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