Wednesday 27 April 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 177 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 27 April 2016

Tara goes back to her room and wakes Brajesh up.  She asks him who Krishna’s mother is.
He tells her and he goes back to bed.
She remembers what Kalika said about Advitya having two Mothers and she says her son can never have two Mothers.

Tara takes food to Advitya in the morning and meets Saloni already feeding him.
Saloni says he woke up hungry and she had to feed him.
Tara says Advitya is just like her, her mother said she used to wake up at night to cry because of food.
Saloni says he never cried during the night.
Kalika comes in and Saloni starts talking about Advitya smile that is just like hers.
Kalika says she doesn't see it; all she knows is that he has Tara's eyes.

The woman with Saloni's real baby is consoling her as she cries.
Her husband asks her for food and she tells him she is feeding her baby.
He yells at her and she gets up, leaving the baby crying on the floor.

Saloni is with Advitya and Kalika is watching them.
She gives Advitya to Kalika so she can go and have a bath.
When Saloni leaves, Kalika picks up a photograph and shows Advitya but when Babho opens the door, she quickly hides it.
Babho drops a glass of milk and tells Kalika to ensure Saloni drinks it then she offers to take Advitya away.
Kalika tells her to let him spend some time with his aunt.

At work, an employee is singing Kshitij's praises, he says all thanks to Kshitij, he has paid for a flat and wants to buy a car.
He tells Kshitij that he wants to go and deposit some company funds in the company account but Kshitij tells him to deposit the money in Nahar's account.

Kalika goes to see Kaveri to convince her to fight for her marriage.
Kaveri agrees and Kalika offers to follow her to Samar's house.

Samar sees a button on his shirt has come off so he calls for Kaveri but immediately remembers she's not there.
Ginni comes in and he tells her he wants his mum to help him fix his missing button.
Ginni says Ambica is not back but she can help with the button.

Ginni sews the button and as she is leaving the room, her Sari gets stuck on Samar’s ring. Kaveri comes in at this time and accuses Ginni of of planning to steal Samar all along.
She drags Ginni out of the room but Samar follows them and says she got it all wrong.
He says he called Ginni because kaveri refused to come and take care of Nikita.
Kaveri says he's always making excuses and should just accept that he is in love with Ginni.
Samar raises his hand to slap Kaveri but Ginni stops him.
Kaveri says he has to make a decision and if she leaves she will leave for good and she will not come back again.
She leaves in tears.

Kalika is waiting outside.  Kaveri comes out and Kalika asks what happened.
Kaveri says she never wants to hear Samar's name again.
She recounts all that happened in the house.
Kalika apologises to Kaveri saying it is all her fault for making her come but she will talk to Samar.
Kaveri says even if Samar comes begging, she will never forgive him.
As Kaveri leaves on a taxi, Ambica who is coming back home sees her and calls out but Kaveri doesn't hear her.
Kalika tells Ambica all that kaveri said.

Ginni starts packing her things and Samar asks what she's doing. Ginni says she has to go because she is creating problems.
Samar tells her not to go because he sent for her; Nikita needs her and she can't neglect her now.
Ginni insists that she must go. Samar tells her that kaveri doesn't understand what it means to be a mother.

Ambica comes in and says Samar is right, Nikita should not be deprived of a Mother's love because of Kaveri's behaviour.

Saloni and Babho are with Advitya.  Tara comes in and asks Saloni if she can take Advitya to bed.
Saloni says he is already sleepy.
Tara says she wants Advitya to sleep with her.
Saloni says Tara should not be afraid that she won't be able to take care of  him.
Tara says a baby only sleeps well with his own mother.
She carries Advitya and as she is leaving, he starts to cry.
Saloni runs after them and says she wants to calm him down.
Tara tells her she will calm him down herself; that the way Saloni keeps talking; one would think she (Tara) can't take care of her own child.
Saloni looks downcast.
 When Tara leaves, Babho comforts her.

In the middle of the night, Saloni is sitting up in bed, awake and touching the space where Advitya usually sleeps.
Nahar wakes up and she tells him that she misses Advitya.
Nahar tells her to imagine the way his real mother feels, if she's feeling this way.
Saloni says she can't help how she feels.
He tells her to go to sleep and she will see Advitya in the morning.
She gets excited and says she will wake up early so she can feed Advitya.

The drunk husband of the woman with Saloni's real baby is complaining about the baby, as usual.
The baby starts to cry and he calls her dark and ugly, that she ruined his sleep.

Saloni goes to Tara's room in the mooring and sees Tara feeding Advitya.
Tara tells her she is late, she is already feeding him.
Saloni offers to give him a bath but Tara says he already had a bath.
Saloni now wants to take him to go and play but Tara says he didn't sleep well because he is used to sleeping with Saloni,so he needs to rest.
Babho watches everything quietly then tells Saloni that Ambica called for her.

Saloni goes to see Samar. She tells him he should have stopped Kaveri.
Ginni says Saloni is right.
Samar says Kaveri has made up her mind and no one can change it.
Saloni says she will talk to Kaveri but Samar has to go with her to see Kaveri.
Samar doesn't want togo but Ambica convinces him to.
After they leave, the house phone rings and Ginni answers it.
 It is a call from Kalika. Ginni tells her that Samar and Saloni are on their way to Kaveri’s.

Kalika calls Kaveri to tell her that Samar and Saloni are coming to beg her to come back.
Kaveri says she will not go back.
Kalika says there's something else she needs to tell her but she doesn't know how to say it and at the same time she doesn't want her to hear from elsewhere.
Kaveri begs her to talk.
Kalika says she found out that Ginni was invited back to the house by Saloni. She was the one who convinced Samar to bring Ginni to the house.
This enrages Kaveri further.

Saloni rings the doorbell and Kaveri goes to the door.
She attacks a Saloni with words and tells Samar to get her out.
Saloni begs Kaveri but Kaveri says Saloni can't keep her own family so how will she be able to keep another person’s.
Samar cautions her but she tells him he can't raise his voice at her in her own house.
Kaveri threatens that if they come to her house again, the police will take care of them.
With this, she goes in and slams the door.

Kalika gives Kshitij feedback. She starts to think of a new plan that will blow the minds of everyone in the house, including Kshitij's.

At breakfast the next morning, Kalika gets up and pretends like she wants to throw up.
Babho goes to her and she says she is feeling dizzy and she wants to throw up.
They want to call a doctor but she says it is normal at such a time to feel the way she does.
Everyone is excited except Kshitij.
Veer says the treasure she is carrying will carry on the family legacy.
He goes to hug Kshitij and say he is waiting for someone to call him a grandfather.
He tells Brajesh to order for sweets and Dheer says he will take care of it.
Babho says they should all go and pray to the goddess before they go to work.

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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