Monday 25 April 2016

'Tinsel' Season 8 Episode 1761 Recap - Aired: Friday 22 April 2016

Bimpe is lying down on her sofa, depressed.
Telema wants her to get ready for the screening of the movie which is taking place later in the day.
Bimpe says the embarrassment will be epic if there’s no movie to screen.
Telema says Soji is one man and can't hold all of them to ransom; if push comes to shove, they force him to release the files.
Bimpe asks if they would call the police on him.
Telema says if need be; she knows he hasn't deleted those files.
She convinces Bimpe to start getting ready.

Sankey asks Segun if there's no way to determine if the body belongs to Alhaji Abubakar.
Segun says the body was burnt beyond recognition but they found Alhaji’s walking stick there.
He says he’s sure they have the right place and if that’s the case, Alhaji Abubakar is dead.

Bimpe and Telema are at the venue of the screening where the Press and other guests are gathered. Bimpe is in full-on panic mode but Telema is cool and tells her to calm down.
Bimpe asks Telema why she is so calm. Telema says she pulled out a card she didn’t'  to but she's hoping it worked.
Bimpe goes to meet Frank and Shalewa who are also worried and this doesn’t help allay her fears in any way.
Joanne comes in and Soji follows shortly after. All’s right with the world again.

The ICC agent calls Sheila to let her know the vigilante do not have either Tsav or Yahimba but they threatened to have them killed if they are found.
Sheila is worried. The agent assures her they're doing all they can to find them.

Yaya calls Philip from the spa and tells him she will see be on her way soon.
A member of staff comes in to tell her a guy wants to see her.
Richard enters her office and tries to kiss her but she doesn’t allow it.
Yaya tells him the whole thing is beginning to get suspicious. He says he just wanted to see his baby (Yaya, he doesn’t know she is pregnant yet).
She says he can't see her, not today and not at all; He needs to leave.
Richard laughs and tells her that she has two choices; he follows her to the screening and Philip sees him or they spend time at the spa before she goes to the screening or the third option of running away with him because he loves her.

Brenda is on the phone with someone with Zane. She tells him he needs to let her know what happens because she is watching Angela.
Angela comes into the office looking worried. She says that she hasn't heard from Alhaji abubakar and she asks if Brenda was in her neighbourhood earlier because she thought she saw her car.
Brenda denies.
Angela says she hasn't heard from Alhaji since yesterday. Brenda assures her he will be fine.
Angela says she wants to go home but Brenda want doesn’t want her to go.. She tells her she wants to tell her some things that happened in her absence.

The screening is on and the guests seem to be enjoying it but there is a sudden technical glitch and the screen goes off. Soji runs off to go and see what the problem is.
Bimpe begs Telema to take care of it. Telema follows Soji.
Joanne tries to calm Bimpe down then she addresses the audience, telling them to be patient as these things do happen.
Bash says he was enjoying the movie before the hitch The screen comes back on, to the cheer of the excited audience.

Angela apologises to Brenda for what she had to go through in her absence.  She says she doesn't understand why such a man would have been sticking around to find out when she and Alhaji will get back into town, even with the police looking for him.
She’s not talking about Zane but Fabian. Brenda is being smart.

Sankey calls Angela and asks if Brenda is with her. Angela says she is.
Angela says she hasn't heard from Alhaji.
Sankey changes the subject saying Angela should cook for her soon.
Angela is not in the mood for such gist as she only wants to know about Masters.
After the call, she tells Brenda she wants to get going.  Brenda wants to still keep her in the office.
She says she has one more thing to talk to her about but first, she needs to get a file from Maro.
She leaves her office to go and get the files from Maro.

Philip, Laide,  Amaka and Dikibo all cheer after watching the movie they made.
They congratulate one another and Dikibo tells Philip that Fred would have been very proud of him.

Segun tells Sankey it is a shock that Alhaji Abubakar died because  he was larger than life.
Sankey asks if there's any update on the Guardias.
Segun says there isn’t .
He asks her about Zane and if there are any links on him.
Sankey says she is sure he must have gotten away because too many hours have passed.
He asks about Brenda and Sankey says Brenda has been acting funny; you mention Zane and she gets all defensive.
Segun says she may be an accomplice and Sankey says she doesn't want her to know she is on to her but if they find anything then she will be brought in.

Tsav has refused to talk. Ceaser tells Yahimba that he is not cooperating.
Yahimba begs Tsav to tell them what want to know and to think of his sisters.
He warns her not to bring his sisters into the matter.
Caeser gets an idea and says if Tsav is so protective of his sisters, then they may know where the stuff is.
He starts his annoying evil laugh.

The screening is over and Bash introduces Bimpe as the newest Executive Producer, then he tells her to address the crowd.
Bimpe gets up then call out her co-producer Telema and her Director, Soji.
They join her, one on each side and she thanks them for their support in making the movie.
She also thanks her cast and sponsor, Parita hair and Joanne in particular.
She tells them she will still need their support when the movie is released.

Sankey goes to see the coroner. He tells her the fire was not the cause of death and asks if she wants to see the body.
Sankey is really not interested because it seems she already came to a conclusion.
She tells him she has seen the already
He excuses himself from the office and Sankey takes out her phone.
She calls someone to say its official, Alhaji Abubakar is dead.

Amaka gets home to meet Tochi and the nanny in the living room.
The nanny wants to pack up his toys but Amaka tells her to go and give him a bath while she takes care of the toys.
The nanny takes Tochi upstairs and Amaka begins to pack up the toys.
She holds a stuffed bear and hears a rattling sound. She gets something to tear it open and sees a little pouch inside it.
Amaka pours out the content unto her palm and it is the diamonds Tsav took from Yahimba.

*Catch Tinsel every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 8:30pm C.A.T

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