Thursday 12 May 2016

'Hush' Season 1 Episode 29 Recap - Aired: Thursday 12 May 2016

Oye, Arinola and their team, set up shop at ‘House of  Tsenugo’.
Arinola says Bem deserves a proper 'thank you' because the office really suits their needs.
She tells a shocked Oye that Ntse gave her back the keys to the house but she doesn't trust her yet.

Koko gives Sule some money for his children. He's very grateful.
She asks if he has spoken to Bem about the hospital bills for his triplets.
Sule says Bem has been upset lately so it's not been a good time.

Arinola enters the main office and says 'Hello'. Vina rushes to meet her, she says she's a fan and Arinola is her role model.
Arinola thanks her but as she's about to leave, Vina says she wants to talk to her privately about something. She catches Koko’s eye.
Arin follows her outside but we don’t see the conversation.

Later on, Vina meets Adze waiting outside the office. He tells her about the call and meeting invite from Folahan.
She is happy for him and he tells her he is not going anywhere without his chief marketing officer.
She's very excited. She rushes back into the office to get her bag.
Tes arrives and meets Adze outside.
Adze tells him he's having a meeting with a big shot.
Tes reminds him about meeting Oye to sign the non-disclosure agreement.
Adze says it’s no biggie, he will sign the document.
Tes asks if he won't bother to check the contract before signing.
Adze says who cares.
Vina comes back and they leave.

Tes gets inside and Koko thanks him for coming to her place the other day then she apologises for what Ike did.
Oye comes to invite Tes to their office to sign the non-disclosure agreement.
She asks about Adze and if he needs anything, Tes says Adze is okay with just signing.
She asks Tes what he wants. He says he wants to join the campaign before he signs.
Oye is impressed but says she will run it by Arinola first.

Arinola is having lunch with Chief Lasisi, Dehinde and Babatunde Baker.
They commend her for the interview and say it was convincing.
She assures them that she is not dating Bem.
She asks if there's any update about her suspension.
Chief says as long as they have no proof that it wasn't her people who started the fight, her suspension stands, which means she may not be able to contest.
Arinola is furious and says they can't stop her from contesting.
Babtunde says something can be done. If she will agree to step down for Dehinde and become the running mate, then it will be OK.
Chief Lasisi agrees that she should step down for Dehinde.
She says they are selling her short.
They tell her that they have no choice and will need her answer soon.

Adze and Vina are waiting for the meeting with Folahan at a restaurant.
Adze says he has big plans for her, he wants her to have ten percent of the company.
They start to kiss, as usual and they don’t even notice when Folahan sits down.
He pays them a compliment and Adze apologizes for the kiss.

He introduces Vina as his Head of Marketing.
Folahan kisses her hand but Vina is not happy to know the creepy guy who came to their office one time and made a pass at her, is the would-be benefactor of the app project.

Ike calls Koko and asks what he should bring her for lunch.
She says she's not home, she's at work.
He gets upset and asks if Bem threatened her to come back.
She says it's her choice, she enjoys her job.
He is upset. She says she's sorry if she let him down and she would understand if he doesn't want to be with her anyway. Trying to find a way out of the relationship, Koko? Bem won't take you, you know?
He is shocked.

Vina makes a presentation on the app, to Folahan
He says it's a good idea and he will get back to them.
Vina asks why he made them go through all of that if he wasn’t ready to conclude.
He tells Adze to get a copy of the document for him and Vina says they can mail it to him.
Adze tells her that it is fine. He goes out to get a copy.
When Adze leaves, she asks Folahan what exactly he is after.
He says he has no doubt that the app will do well but he will like to have her as well.
She says she is not for sale.
Adze comes back with the document and hands it to Folahan.
Folahan tells them that he will be in touch.

Adze drops Vina at the office. He is very excited but she starts to prepare his mind for the possibility of Folahan not giving them the money.
Adze says the money will come. He says they will even get married because he will be a fool not to keep her for good after all the luck she has brought him.

Oye is bringing Tes up to speed on their campaign and party activities.
Arinola comes in really upset.
Tes excuses them.
Arinola tells Oye that they said as long as there's no proof, she won't be reinstated.
Oye is shocked and upset.
Arinola asks her when the fund raiser is taking place.
Oye says “tonight” and Arinola says she will announce her departure from the party.

Bem tells Vina that he wants to see her and Koko in his office.
They get to the office and he says he will let her go because there are a lot of people on the waiting list and she will be well compensated.
Koko says letting her go will be a big mistake.
She says Vina has a rare gift and she was even going to make her Junior designer after her internship.
Bem is surprised. He asks Koko if she is really sure, then he says Vina can stay.

When they get back downstairs, Ike comes in and gets on his knee to propose. Koko is pleasantly surprised.
Everyone is watching and cheering, including Arinola and Oye.
The only people not amused, are Bem and Tes.

*Catch 'Hush' every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 9:00pm C.A.T

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