Tuesday 24 May 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 196 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 24 May 2016

Brajesh and Tara tell Nahar to do something different.
Nahar tells Saloni that after seeing her, he realised his life is incomplete without her and he wants to live and die in her arms.
Saloni has tears in her eyes as she accepts the flower.
They hug tightly as the family watches them.
Nahar passes out while leaning on Saloni.
Varun quickly turns off the power and helps Saloni get Nahar out of the house.
When the power comes back on, the rest of the family start to wonder where Saloni and Nahar might have gone.

Varun is driving them to the hospital.
Brajesh calls Saloni’s phone and she tells him that Nahar is taking her on a long romantic drive.

At the hospital, Nahar is hooked on to a machine.
Saloni is waiting in the hallway.
She asks a nurse if Nahar is fine but the nurse ignores her.
She runs into the hospital prayer room and threatens that if Nahar is not healed, she will stop serving God. As she turns to leave, a man who looks like a priest stops her.
He listens to Saloni and he gives her directions to a place out of town where she can get help for Nahar.
She asks who he is but he tells her it is not important.
He tells her to go to the hermitage before the full moon
Saloni says it's just 3 days left but she will go.

She enters Nahar's hospital room and sees he has regained consciousness.
Saloni tells Nahar about the hermitage the man told her about and says they have to go there.
Varun says Saloni is supposed to be educated yet she believes in such.
He says he won't allow Nahar leave the hospital.
Nahar says he will go home first because the family will get worried.
Varun insists Nahar stays in the hospital but Nahar is bent on going home.
Varun desperately wants Nahar to stay back but Nahar says Varun can't save him for long so what is the point? He may as well go home and be surrounded by family.

Varun marches in anger to meet his partner in crime, informing her that Saloni has found out about a hermitage where people get healed but he has done his job; he has given Nahar more drugs to weaken him so much that nothing can save him.

Nahar and Saloni return home to a lot of teasing and compliments.

Next day, Mano comes to the house for prayers with the family.
Nahar begins to get a headache as Tara rings the prayer bell. When he can't take it anymore, he takes the bell and throws it on the ground, then stalks off.
Saloni tries to make an excuse for him. She tells them that he has been disturbed since morning.

She goes after him and sees him holding his head in the room.
He tells her to leave him alone for a while.
Saloni says she will get him medicine but he yells that he doesn't need any medicine. Saloni holds him and Nahar says he's sorry for what he did downstairs; the chime of the bell sounded like someone was taking a hammer to his head.
Saloni says he's not to blame.
She brings the medicine but he says there's no point to it.

Babho tells Tara that she has never seen Nahar like this.
Tara says she has been noticing for some days now that he has been acting strange.
Babho says he may need to rest from work.
Brajesh is standing in the doorway. He says he's also bothered by Nahar's condition and he wants to find out, maybe he's in trouble.

Tara tells Saloni that Brajesh wants Nahar downstairs. Nahar comes out of the room and apologises to Tara.
Tara says she knows his head was hurting that was why and it's not a problem.

Saloni and Nahar get downstairs and see a doctor with Brajesh.
Brajesh says he knows Nahar is not feeling well and he wants him to explain to the doctor.
Nahar panics and says he is fine.
Brajesh suggests he gets a checkup because he has been getting weaker by the day.
Nahar says he's fine, he turns to Babho but Babho tells him that there's no harm in getting a check up; everyone's doubts will be cleared.
Nahar says he's perfectly fine and Varun has been taking care of him.
Brajesh says Varun is his friend; he should let someone else check him.
Saloni says if Nahar is in any trouble, she would know.
Brajesh insists on the check up and the doctor says he will schedule an appointment for tomorrow.
Nahar meets with Varun and Varun says he's a specialist on the matter and no other doctor can give Nahar the drugs he needs.
He says Nahar should remember that if another doctor finds out what is wrong with him,  his family will get to know his secret.

Nahar gets home upset and tells Saloni that if he gets the check-up the entire family will know.
He tells her that he saw Varun and he says he should just wait for death.
Saloni suggests they go to the hermitage.
Nahar doesn't want to hear it but Saloni says they will leave in the morning and it is her decision that he will just have to accept.

In the morning, they get downstairs and meet the family.
The family wants to know where they are going so Saloni lies that they took a vow a while back so they have to go and fulfil the vow.
Veer and Babho say that since it’s a long journey, they shouldn't take Shweta along.
Brajesh brings up the issue of the check-up and Nahar says he will go for it when he gets back.
Saloni insists that she will take care of Nahar.
Brajesh walks away in anger.
Nahar goes to meet him in the room and Brajesh tells him that he has grown up so he can do whatever he wants to do.
Nahar begs Brajesh to bid him farewell with a smile.
Brajesh hugs him and says he feels Nahar is hiding things from him.
Nahar says he's not hiding anything.

Nahar and Saloni say their goodbyes to the family.

Saloni and Nahar take a flight to the town where the hermitage is.
On the car rode from the airport, Nahar tells Saloni that she may be disappointed so she shouldn't get her hopes up.
Saloni says she believes they will get the answer they are looking for and Nahar should just go along with it.

At the hermitage, there is a queue outside, of visitors who want to see the Shwarmi.
After a few minutes, a monk comes out and informs the crowd that  the Shwarmi cannot see anyone else till after 6 months.
A man pleads with him to please help him because his son will die if he doesn't get help.
Another monk comes out and agrees to allow the man and his son in.
He speaks to the Shwarmi and the Shwarmi agrees for the man to come in but a female member of the order says the monk cannot take the man and his son in because that will be breaking the rules.

Saloni and Nahar are still on the way when the car suddenly breaks down.
The driver gets down and is trying to fix it.
Saloni suggests to Nahar that they continue on foot, before the Shwarmi leaves.
Nahar gets dizzy so Saloni takes him back to the car to give him his drugs. She tells him to sit in the car while she goes to stop the Shwarmi.
She instructs the driver to bring Nahar when the car is repaired, then she goes on foot.

* Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading. Thank you!

**Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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