Monday 16 May 2016

'Hush' Season 1 Episode 31 Recap - Aired: Monday 16 May 2016

Ben and Arinola are in his car. He just brought her home from the fundraiser.
He asks if her relationship with Ntse is going well.
She  asks why and he says Ntse was all smiles at the event, she hugged Arinola and even came with her husband.
Arinola asks who he is talking about and Bem says he’s talking about the guy Ntse was with.
Arinola quickly fakes a yawn and says she's tired.
They say 'goodnight' and she gets out of the car.

Adze is sitting up in bed.
Vina asks him to come back to bed.
He says he's worried because Folahan has not called yet.
Vina says he will call.
Adze says the app could have issues and crash because it is not meant to hold the number of users it is currently holding.
She assures him that Folahan will call and she makes him come back to bed.

Koko is getting ready for work. Oye enters her room and asks why she said yes.
She says koko is not happy and the proposal didn't make her happy.
Koko says she is happy and it's Oye that's not happy for her.
She says Ike may not be perfect but he's a good guy and he wants her.
Oye asks where this talk is coming from and who wouldn't want her.
Koko says Oye has been single for too long.
Oye says she is worried.
Koko asks if she's worried or jealous.

Tes is having the usual breakfast with his dad.
He says he struck a deal with Arinola, to get on the campaign in exchange for his silence.
Bem is impressed and wishes him luck on his first day.
Tes says he already had his first day, he was thrown off the deep end but it ended well as they were able to apprehend the guy who started the fight at the townhall meeting.

He asks what he should call Arinola, Aunty, mum or what.
Bem tells him to ask her.
He looks at Tes and whispers that he should keep an eye on her for him.
Tes smirks and says he thought it was an arranged marriage but now maybe Bem is getting to know her and like her.
Bem downplays it.
Tes asks if she knows how he feels.
Bem says she has a lot to focus on and doesn’t need the distraction.

Arinola gets to her office and sees her ex husband, Tokunboh, sitting at her desk.
She is surprised.

Koko is addressing the staff when Bem comes in.
She says she wants to speak with him.
Ntse comes in and Bem walks up to her.
She says she wants to have a word with her future brother-in-law.

Arinola asks Tokunoh how he got in.
He says he didn’t expect such a reception from his wife.
She asks what he wants and he says he wants her.
She asks how Ntse will feel about it.
He accuses Arinola of sending him divorce papers via courier and also sending him death threats not to come home.
Arinola is surprised at his exaggeration.
She asks what he wants.
He says he spent time with her and lost businesses so what does she think he wants.
Oye comes in and he says he will be in touch.

Ntse tells Bem that he is not Arinola’s usual type; he seems level headed.
Arinola comes into Bem’s office and asks what Ntse is doing there.
Ntse says she came to see her in-law and she wants to invite them to dinner.
Arinola says 'no' but Bem says it would be nice.
Ntse says she will leave them to discuss and decide.
When she leaves, Arinola asks Bem why he said yes.
Bem says it's just one dinner and it's in line with their keeping up appearances.

The doctor comes to ask Sule’s wife about the hospital bills.
She goes on a tirade about it being a crime to have babies.
Sule comes in and pays the bill.

Adze is reading reviews of his app online.
He sees one about collaboration and is interested.
Folahan calls him. He asks Adze to meet him for lunch and bring his Head of Marketing along.

Tokunboh meets Ntse up. They discuss Arinola.
Ntse says Tokunboh should tell Bem the truth and they can both enjoy watching her world fall apart.
Tokunboh says they shouldn't rush it, instead they should tease it and milk it for all its worth.
He says he will make her come begging
Ntse asks how he intends to do that.
He says she will get a nice surprise at lunchtime.

Arinola gets to the party headquarters for a meeting and sees Tes coming with Oye.
She asks Oye what he's doing there, she sounds upset.
Oye says she hired him and he was instrumental to getting her reinstated.
She reluctantly agrees to allow him join them for the meeting.

Sule gets back to work and the staff  hail him.
Koko asks how the kids are doing and congratulates him.
She gives him the money for the bills and says he can pay her back when he has it.
Sule is almost in tears because of what he has done.
He tells her that there is no need as he has settled the bill.
Koko asks how he managed.
He lies that his family and friends made contributions.

Bem tells koko that he's ready to see her.

At the party meeting,  Folahan sees Babatunde and says he hopes he will work with him now that he has no candidate.
Arinola comes in and he is shocked to see her.
The press Secretary says he invited them all to let them know the party primaries will go on as scheduled and they will have an investigation into whether Folahan had a hand in the fracas that ensued at the townhall meeting.
Folahan says he had no hand in it
The press secretary reminds Folahan that he brought a boy to the last meeting and the boy was only pretending to be injured.
Folahan says he was trying to help the party.
The press secretary says the investigations will be carried out.

Koko enters Bem's office and he asks what she wanted to see him for.
Koko asks why he let her say 'yes' to Ike. She is almost in tears.
Bem says they've been through this; he is engaged to Arinola.
Koko says it's an arranged marriage and she will wait for him.
He asks if she’s saying she will be his mistress.
She says she will be his anything.
He walks up to her and holds her.
He tells her that she’s too good for that and if he knew, he would never have allowed that night to happen.
She starts to cry.
He begs her not to cry so the staff do not begin to speculate.
She walks out of his office and out of the building.

Arinola gets to her office and a member of her staff hands her a package someone dropped for her.
She opens it and it’s a little box, inside the box, she sees an envelope, in the envelope, there are pictures.
 She sees the pictures and panic.

*Catch 'Hush' every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 9:00pm C.A.T

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