Thursday 19 May 2016

'East Meets West' Season 1 Episode 15 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 18 May 2016

Lisa goes to meet Abhay in the room, crying.  She asks how long his father will continue to torment her like this. She tells him what happened and he says she’s not supposed to go into the temple with her shoes so his father did the right thing.
She asks what he would do if he were in her shoes.
He says he would learn about the culture and not cry over every little thing.
She says they should never have left the hotel to move to the house.

Rheka is listening to them argue. She goes to Ranbir to complain that his son and daughter-in-law are fighting.
She tells him that she doesn't think Abhay can control Lisa like Ranbir can.

Udey thanks Lumita for coming back. She says she has accepted that this as her family and she needs to take care of them.
He says he wants them to be very good friends.
She takes the pillow and is about to place on the floor to sleep but he tells her to sleep on the bed while he sleeps on the floor.
She refuses at first and when he insists, she says they can try something else; she sleeps on one side while he sleeps on try other.
He agrees and they both get on the bed but lie far away from each other.

Lisa takes her pillow in anger and leaves the bed.
She tells Abhay to go and sleep in the hall. Abhay asks if she wants everyone to know they're fighting.
She says she won't sleep with him on the same bed so he should sleep on the couch.
He reluctantly moves to the couch.

Lumita tells Udey that she wants to tell him something.
He asks what it is and she says he's very sweet.
She closes her eyes.
He turns to look at her and smiles.
In the morning, he watches her getting ready and as he approaches her, his phone rings.
He listens then tells his mother to get ready while he gets the car keys.
He leaves in a hurry and Lumita is sad.

Rhama serves her husband tea.  He says he doesn't want it and she asks what he's upset about.
He asks if she still refuses to believe that Abhay made a big mistake by marrying Lisa.
Rhama says Lisa needs time to adjust to the culture.
Ranbir says she's already fighting with Abhay and if it doesn't stop, he won't tolerate the behaviour.
Rhama tells him that she will talk to Lisa.

Abhay is making coffee in the kitchen. Nena helps him and asks where his wife is.
He says she is sleeping  and if the coffee isn't made properly, Lisa will get angry again.
She helps him make thethe coffee.
Rhama enters the kitchen and asks what he's doing.
Nena says he's making coffee for his sleeping wife.
Rhama says a man who fights with his wife has to make up. She encourages him to take it to her.

He takes the coffee to Lisa in bed and gives her a flower.
She wakes up and asks what the big deal is.
He says he's never been to a kitchen before and a man does not cook in the Indian culture.
He tells her to drink and promise to take care of her husband.
They make up.

Lumita enters the kitchen and greets Rhama.
She tells Rhama to go and rest whilst she handles the chores; she wants to take care of everyone.

Banwari asks Ranbir what Rheka 's problem is.
He says he hears Rheka is planning to send Lisa and Abhay on honeymoon.
Ranbir says it's because he planned Lumita and Udey' s honeymoon, so Rheka is trying to get even.

Ranjeet comes downstairs to meet them and Ranbir asks for Udey.
Ranjeet informs him that Rheka's mother is ill so Udey took her to see her.
Ranbir is upset. He says Rheka knows Udey and Lumita should be preparing for their honeymoon and he shouldn’t be going anywhere.

Rhama comes to Lisa and Abhay’s room and tells Abhay to excuse them.
He leaves and Rhama tells Lisa that fights are between husbands and wives but it shouldn't allow the relationship to be affected; they should be careful not to air their dirty linen in public, noone should hear their fights.
Lisa apologises and says she's will never let it happen again.

Ranbir is shouting about what Rheka did. He complains to his mother and father.
He says Udey should not have been taken away.
Anjana says they will be back at night. Ranbir says Rheka should have taken Lumita along as well.
Grandmother agrees.
Rhama asks why Lumita didn't stop Udey from going.
Lumita says taking care of grandmother is more important than their honeymoon.
Ranjeet comes in and they ask him about Rheka. He says her mother is better and they will return tomorrow.

Lumita comes to meet Lisa in her room.
She says she sees Lisa is packing for her honeymoon. She asks if she needs help and Lisa says she can manage.
Lumita says she feels bad for what happened at the temple.
Lisa says it’s not her fault; the custom is new to her.
Lumita says she shouldn't worry and she would teach her all she needs to learn.
Lisa asks if she has packed and if she needs anything, she should let her know.
She asks if Udey has called and Lumita says he hasn’t but she's sure he would call.

Lumita gets back to her room and the phone rings. It's Udey.
She asks how he is and his grandmother.
He says he will be back tomorrow; he knows she is lonely and they need to pack for their honeymoon.
She says their grandmother’s health is more important than their honeymoon.
She tells him not to worry about her.

Banwari says he found out that Rheka’s mother is not sick at all, just old.
Ranbir says he knows Rheka just wants to stop Udey and Lumita from going on their honeymoon.
He vows that Udey and Lumita must go on their honeymoon.

Lisa and Abhay are in bed. She says she’s thinking of Udey and that Lumita must be very lonely.
She says Udey should not have left Lumita.
Abhay makes excuses for Udey and Rheka.
Abhay asks what will happen if he needs to travel and leave her for a few days.
She warns him never to talk like that because she will never allow it.

She wakes up in the morning and Abhay is not in bed.
She opens the door and sees Lumita in the hallway.
They say hello and Lumita struggles to tell her that she cannot wear her nightgown downstairs.
Lisa thanks her.

Lumita performs the prayer rituals.  Vinay watches her from the balcony.
Ranvir meets her and partakes in the ritual. He is happy.
Anjana and Abhay also partake in the ritual.
Ranjeet commends Lumita.
Lisa comes and asks if she can try
She fumbles and Lumita shows her the proper way to do it.
Lisa follows Lumita lead and does it properly.
Ranbir angrily tells her that she understands nothing of their culture.

Abhay goes up to his mother to complain that he doesn't like how his father treats Lisa. Lisa is trying yet his father still puts her down.
Umah, who is sitting with Rhama, tells him that Lisa doesn’t understand their culture.
Rhama cautions her and tells Abhay to have patience. She says she will talk to Ranbir.
She tells Abhay that she finds Lisa’s effort commendable.

The family is gathered in the living room.
Ranbir asks where Rheka is.
Grandmother says they ought to have been back since last night but it’s morning now.
Rhama tells Ranjeet to call them again.
Ranjeet says he has been trying but he cannot get through. He calls his Rheka’s mother.
She tells him that Rheka and Udey already left in the morning and they ought to have arrived.
He relays his phone conversation to the family and grandmother begins to panic.
He tries Udey and Rheka’s phones again but no response still.
The house phone rings and Ranjeet answers.
He listens and slumps on a chair.
He informs the family that Udey and Rheka’s car caught on fire along the highway.
Grandmother breaks down and grandfather says they need to go to the police.
As they head towards the door, they are surprised to see someone coming in.

 *Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading. Thank you!

**Catch 'East Meets West' on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 9pm C.A.T

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