Thursday 12 May 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 188 Recap - Aired: Thursday 12 May 2016

Saloni introduces Savitri and her newly adopted baby to the family.
Babho takes the baby from Saloni.
She takes her to the temple in the house and the water that had initially dried up, starts to flow again.
Babho says the child has brought a miracle.

Mano is at Saloni’s family home. She calls the other house and hears about Saloni's baby, so she informs Ambica, Narpat, Samar and Kaveri.
At first they were excited, thinking that Saloni found her daughter till Mano tells them that she is an adopted baby.
The family looks a little downcast but recover quickly and actually become very excited.
Kaveri asks about the baby’s caste but Narpat tells her that it doesn’t matter because all babies are from God.
Mano informs them that the baby's naming ceremony is tomorrow.
Ambica is excited and tells Samar to make her necklace into a waistband for the baby.
Kaveri says the baby doesn't need a waistband.
Aunt Mano calls her out on her jealousy.
Kaveri decides to beg Samar privately not to give the necklace away but Samar angrily tells her that it is for Saloni's daughter.

Saloni begs Nahar to fix a toy for their daughter so she can stop crying.  Nahar tries but it is broken so he starts to play with the baby and she stops crying.

The man who stopped Savitri from entering the temple goes to the Rajput community head and complains that Saloni is disgracing the Rajputs by adopting a baby from a very low caste.
The head says if it's true then they will throw the child out so she doesn't soil the Rajput honour and pride.

It is the day of the ceremony. The family is celebrating in the compound.
Ambica is excited and carries the baby.
Kaveri congratulates Saloni.
Ambica gives Saloni the waistband for her daughter.
Savitri joins them and Saloni introduces her to her parents.
Saloni introduces Sanvri as her second daughter.

Dheer goes to Kaveri to try and rekindle their partnership in gossip. He tells her that a waistband would have been good on her outfit.
Kaveri walks away.

The ceremony starts and the priest asks who will name the girl.
Tara says Saloni has been the one naming all the children in the family.
Saloni says she wants Tara to name the baby.
Tara says Saloni still respects her in spite of everything she has done.
Tara names the baby 'Shweta’.
They all love the name.

The Rajput men and the community leader, march into the compound and tell the family not to besmirch the Rajput community by keeping the child.
The man who had a run-in with Saloni and Mano at the temple,says they should send the girl back.
Veer says the child is theirs.
The men say the child is of a low caste.
Veer asks Saloni and Nahar if it's true.

Saloni goes to the men and tells them to look at the baby and see if there's anything about her caste written on her face. She says children are gifts from God and she doesn't care what caste the child belongs.
Savitri takes her child they go into hiding.
The man says they will shed blood because noone will soil the name of the Thakurs.
Mano tells them to leave and the head of the community says they will never give the child a Thakur name.

Aunt Mano asks the men where they were when Nahar had his trial.
The man says they didn’t get involved because it was a family matter. Aunt Mano says this is also a family matter.
Nahar tells the men that the law allows him adopt the child and there’s nothing they can do.
Brajesh confronts them too and says they don't want to keep relations with men like them.
The men make continue to issue threats, then they leave.

Savitri is watering the garden and carrying a crying Sanvri.
Saloni asks why Sanvri is crying.  She consoles her and she stops crying.
Saloni tells Savitri to leave Sanvri with the other children so she can do her work properly.
Savitri is shocked that Saloni will let her leave her own child with the other children.

Pia asks Babho if Saloni will continue looking for her child or she will be OK.
Babho says she hopes wherever the child is, she will get as much love as Shweta is getting.
Advitya comes to get Pia to help her look after Advitya while she makes tea.
Savitri brings the baby and tells Babho what Saloni said.
She is about to put her on the ground but Babho tells her to put her in the cot next to Shweta.

Ishan comes home from school and asks Babho why they put the black child next to his sister.
Babho cautions him but he insists that the baby will make Shweta become dirty.
Saloni hears him and tells him that she is dark too; does he think she is dirty?
He says “no” she is different, she is his super aunt.
Savitri comes in and picks up her child.
Saloni apologises to her but she says it's OK.

At night, Saloni is moody. Nahar asks her what is wrong.  She tells him that being dark skinned seems like a curse.
He tells her that if she wasn’t dark-skinned, he may not have fallen for her.
Nahar continues to sing her praises and he manages to lift her spirit.
They hear Sanvri crying and Saloni is worried so Nahar tells her to go and see her.

Saloni enters Savitri's room and Savitri apologises for disturbing Saloni's sleep.
Saloni takes the child and starts to sing and Sanvri stops crying immediately.
Savitri asks if Saloni has magic because every time she holds Sanvri, she stops crying.

Ishan is using with a remote-controlled Truck. He begs Saloni to play with him but she tells him they will play later when they have more time.
Nahar comes into the room and screams as Ishan’s toy truck hits a stool which makes the flower vase on it to topple over and land on Shweta in her cot.
They rush her to the hospital.  Nahar sees a doctor he knows, Varoon and they say hello.
The doctor attending to Shweta says she will be alright.
Varoon also assures him that he will also see to it that Shweta is well taken care of.

Saloni is in tears, she tells Babho that Shweta has just been in her care for 4 days and she won't forgive herself if anything happens.
Brajesh calls Tara and Nahar tells her not to tell him too much so he doesn't get worried.
She answers and tells him the doctors said Shweta will be fine.
He asks to speak to Nahar and he tells Nahar that he is coming over.
Nahar says there's no need as he ran into Varoon who assured him that Shweta will be well taken care of.

Varoon comes out of the hospital and says Shweta needs blood; she is O negative and they don;t have any in the hospital.
Nahar says he is O negative.
Varoon takes him to the lab.

Ishan starts to smash his toy truck on the wall. Dheer asks him what he is doing.
He says his little sister is hurt because of him and he doesn't need the truck anymore.

The nurse enters the lab and tells Varoon that they found O negative blood in the blood bank.
Varoon tells Nahar that he doesn't need to donate blood anymore.

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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