Wednesday 25 May 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 197 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 25 May 2016

Saloni meets a man on the road and asks for a shortcut to the hermitage and he shows her but warns that it is a bushy path so she needs to be careful.

The Shwarmi and his disciples are already leaving.

Saloni follows the path and gets injured in the foot by a piece of twig ibut she carries on.
She meets the car just as it is leaving, she holds on to the car and begs he Shwarmi to save her and her husband. The windows are tinted so she can't really see him.
The female disciple comes from behind and gives Saloni a slap.
Saloni falls back and the woman asks how dare she tries to see the Shwarmi's face.
Another lady holds Saloni and the car drives off.
Saloni overhears the other members say the Shwarmi will not be back for 6 months.
She starts to run after the car but Nahar stops her and says it seems God doesn't want to interfere.
Saloni says they've come too far to go back.

On their way, the Shwarmi's convoy meets a roadblock and they are told the road has been closed due to some works and it may take a while for the road to be opened again.
The female guru goes to inform the Shwarmi and they decide to go back.

Saloni is seated on the floor, looking miserable.
Nahar tells her they have to leave and she says she has faith on God.

Nahar gets a call from Varun but he is unable to hear properly so he moves away to get better signal.
Varun says Nahar made him a promise; he should take the medication he gave him.

The Shwarmi returns.
The  guru sees Saloni and some people, still waiting. She asks what they are still doing there.
Saloni begs her but the guru says they can't break the rules because it has already caused a bad omen which made them return.
She tells them to throw Saloni out and never allow her back in.
Saloni holds her feet and begs but they throw her out.

Nahar sees her outside and says Saloni should just accept that he will die.
Saloni says he won't die and God already allowed the Shwarmi come back so she will continue to come here till the Shwarmi sees her.

Back at home,  the family is listening to the news. They announce that there was a riot in the town Saloni and Nahar are in and there is a curfew.
Brajesh decides to call Nahar.
Nahar says he and Saloni are fine and they miss them.
The connection gets lost.

After the call,  Brajesh thinks Nahar is lying because he didn't even mention anything about the curfew or riot.

In the morning, Saloni tell Nahar that she wants them to get ready and go to the shwarmi.
Nahar says it is useless and he doesn't like the way they humiliated her.
He says he's not going anywhere because he wants peace; he actually came here to stop people at home from worrying about him.
Saloni says if he doesn't want to come, then she will go alone.

At the temple,  the people waiting outside are allowed to go in and see the Shwarmi and Saloni follows them.
The same lady comes out to address the crowd. She sees Saloni, then stops and angrily tells her to leave.
Saloni pleads with her that her husband is dying but the lady says she must leave.
Two women come to drag her but she continues to plead and one of the male disciples comes out to give her a bottle of medicine from the Shwarmi.
Saloni is very grateful.

Saloni gets outside and calls Nahar's phone, crying tears of joy.
She tells him what happened.

Varun goes back to his accomplice and says they've lost because the drug Saloni got for Nahar, will cure him .

The accomplice says he needs to find a way to get rid of Nahar.
Her face is revealed. Urvashi.

Mano visits the house, bringing gifts for everyone.
They tell her that Nahar and Saloni are out of town. They went to fulfil an oath.
Mano begins to think that the reason they went out of town may not actually be to fulfil an oath.

Saloni gets a call from Mano. Mano asks what is going on.
Saloni tells her the truth.
Mano says she wants to come and join them.

Nahar wakes up and he's so dizzy that he falls.  He crawls to get his medicine then crawls to get some water.
As he's about to put the medicine in his mouth, Saloni comes in and takes the drugs from him.She begs him to take the Shwarmi ly water.
He takes a sip then holds his head in pain.
Saloni says she wants to go and get the Shwarmi but he holds her and says she shouldn't go.

Saloni goes back to the hermitage and tells the disciple who gave her the medicine that it worsened her husband's condition.
The female guru overhears and tells Saloni to leave, for suspecting the Shwarmi's powers.
Saloni pleads but the lady walks away.
Saloni leaves the temple and sits outside.
A lady approaches her and tells her not to lose hope but to keep giving her husband the Holy water. She assures Saloni that the Shwarmi won't let anything happen to him.

Mano leaves the hospital and sees Varun outside. She asks him if he knows that Saloni and Nahar are out of town.
Varun denies at first but she tells him not to lie to her, so he admits.
She says she wants to go and meet them but Varun tells her not to go.
She agrees not to go.

Varun goes back to Urvashi and Urvashi says he did the right thing by stopping Mano from going because she is very sharp.
She tells him to think of what to do.

Varun calls Nahar to find out if he is taking the medicine.
 Nahar says if the medicine can't keep him alive, why is Varun bothered that he takes them.
Varun says it will give him more days.
Nahar says he won't stop taking the medicine.
Varun is happy.

Brajesh is with Veer in the office.
A lawyer comes in and tells Brajesh that Nahar asked him to come so he can write out his will. Brajesh and Veer are shocked.
Brajesh starts to wonder why Nahar wants to write a will.
He concludes that something is definitely wrong.

At night, Nahar screams in pain and tells Saloni that his head is hurting. He tells her to get him some poison.
Saloni  gives him some of the Shwarmi Holy water.
He lies back in bed and after some minutes, he says he feels good , like he has woken up from a good sleep.
In the morning, he says he feels alive and no longer weak.
He tells Saloni to follow him outside to the open sky.

They go out of the room and Nahar cannot keep his hands off her.
Saloni tells him she will be back.
She goes back to the room and calls Varun on the phone.
She tells him that Nahar is getting well; the Shwarmi medicine is working on him.
Varun is not happy, he says it may seem that way but the germs will soon overpower him.
He asks if she is still giving Nahar the medication.
Saloni says from now on he will only take the medicine from the Shwarmi.

Varun goes back to Urvashi and they start to think of ways to fix the problem.

Saloni goes back to the temple and sees the female guru, she informs her that her husband is now recovering.
Guru says she is not surprised because she knows the powers the Shwarmi possesses.
Saloni thanks her and she walks away.
One devotee tells Saloni that tomorrow is a special day; the Shwarmi will bless the people with Holy water.
He says it's just for a chosen few and Saloni has to be there because if Nahar partakes,  no power can stop his recovery.

* Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading. Thank you!

**Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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