Wednesday 25 May 2016

'Tinsel' Season 8 Episode 1783 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 25 May 2016

Chibuzor is regaling Obiora and Chuks about his experiences with a babe.
Frank walks up to them and reminds Chuks that he has to go back to the office.
Chuks  says he knows but he continues to enjoy his cousin’s gist.

Chuks asks Chibuzor what he is doing back in town.
Ibuzor makes excuses about his job not being what he really enjoyed and Frank says he was fired.
Ibuzor says they didn’t really get him.
Chuks says he should bring his CV so they can help him look for something.

Frank takes Obiora aside and tells him that they need to look out for Chuks because of Ibuzor.
Obiora says Ibuzor looks harmless but Frank says he is trouble.

Brenda boldly tells Sankey that she doesn't owe the police any information about her affairs.
Sankey says she has been consorting with a criminal so she needs to start talking.
Brenda says for the umpteenth time, Zane was her employee and she hasn’t seen him in a while.
She says if Sankey doesn’t have anything better to say, then she can leave.

Sankey gets up and says she had hoped Brenda had more sense than she’s displaying.
She gets up and leaves the office.

Chibuzor is still talking and Chuks is still at the bar.
Frank comes again to remind Chuks about work.
Chibuzor says he wants more beer and Chuks orders for it.

Philip is talking but Yaya is distracted, she wants to know what the message says.
Philip says Richard keeps texting him but he never gave him his number.
Yaya said she must have filled it in the form when she was registering for yoga.
She promises to take care of it.
Philip says he’s going back to work and he wants her to make something nice for lunch.
As soon as Philip leaves, Yaya calls Richard.
He threatens to reveal things to Philip if she doesn’t give in to his demands.
He tells her to meet him at the garden restaurant in 20 minutes and she reluctantly agrees.

Richard is waiting but Yaya doesn’t show up.
He calls her phone and he gets her voicemail.
He swears and tries again, same thing.
He leaves a message, ranting about how he will make her regret.

Tsav complains about how Amaka is avoiding him.
St. John tells him to give her time and look at her previous actions.
Tsav asks what he means.
St.John says Amaka was the most worried when he was abducted, she was the only one who believed something was wrong when others were in doubt.
Tsav wonders why she is still avoiding him, if she did all that.
St John says she may be emotionally overwhelmed and needs time to cool off.

Brenda calls Amaka and commends her on her new movie.
Amaka thanks her.
Brenda gets to the real reason why she called, she wants a favour;  Nosa is suing her and she needs a character witness.
Amaka says it’s not a problem; she needs the venue and date.
Brenda says it's short notice; this afternoon.
Amaka says she will be there.
Brenda is grateful.

Angela is with Brenda.  She gives her the budget proposal from Tolu.
Brenda has a problem with the cost.
Angela says they need to make their production values, world class.
Brenda says it is still too high.
Angela says so they don't have money to shoot movies but they have money for the Kwame mensah foundation.
Brenda tells her to drop the issue but Angela says they need to get their priorities right, this is something they have to do and Brenda will not regret it.
Brenda gives in and signs off on the proposal.

Philip and Amaka are in a meeting with a top client.
Amaka is distracted; checking something on her phone.
They ask her opinion but she is lost.
Philip is disappointed. He tells the client that he will show him around the premises.
As they leave, Philip stops to register his displeasure with Amaka and she says she is sorry, she was just reading and email.
Philip asks when news about Tsav became part of her job.
She is shocked that he actually saw what she was reading.

Chuks helps a drunk Chibuzor back to his flat.
He drops him on the bed and says he's late for work and doesnt know what excuse to give.
Chibuzor is already snoring.

Brenda gets a call from Zane. She asks where he's been.
He says the less she knows, the better.
She says she got into trouble with the police because someone spotted her at the hotel.
 Zane asks if she went to the police.
She says she didn't tell them anything but she wishes he was around; Angela and the police are on her neck and Nosa is suing her for Kwame.
Zane asks if he should take care of Nosa.
She says no and they joke about it.

Yaya is on the phone with Tsav.
Philip gets home and she gives him the phone to talk to him.
After the call he asks for lunch and she tells him to be patient.
There's a knock on the door. She answers it and Richard saunters is smiling and thanking her for inviting him to lunch.

* Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading, Thank you!

**Catch TINSEL every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 8:30pm C.A.T

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