Thursday 19 May 2016

'Hush' Season 1 Episode 33 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 18 May 2016

Bem tells the new initiates to repeat the oath after him.
He tells them to engrave the words in their hearts and live by them.
Afterwards, he shakes their hands, Adze’s, a little too tightly, making him squirm.

They get home and Adze tells Bem that Folahan has faith in him.
Bem tells him he has no idea what he's dealing with and that the earlier he comes clean, the better his chance of getting help.
Tes is hiding behind the wall and listening to them.

Adze gets back to Vina’s place and she tells him she was worried.
He tells her he is now a member of the brotherhood, he uses his fingers to make their symbol.
She hugs him and asks if he made up with his dad.
Adze says Folahan nominated him.
Vina is sceptical about that.
Adze tells her that Billz was also initiated.
Vina says she thought he was still in South Africa.
Adze says he thought so as well and his return could mean trouble.

Tes joins Bem in the living room and asks why he’s not in bed.
Bem says sleep is for the weak. He asks how it’s going, working with Arinola.
Tes says she's been really stressed lately and Oye says the last time she was like this was when her god-father died.
Tes looks at his father and says he wants to ask something; isn’t it time he allowed Adze move back in?
Bem dismisses him with a ‘goodnight’.

Bem meets his ‘fixer’ and tells him to tail Folahan Majekodunmi and Adze Tsenugo; he wants to know what they are up to.

Oye and Koko are having breakfast.
Koko is still in her foul mood. She tells Oye that Ike wanted her to join them for dinner with his mum but she lied that Oye was busy because she knows she wouldn’t have agreed to come, so if he asks her about it, she should stick with the story.
Oye says she will tell Ike to his face that she didn’t want to come to dinner because she doesn’t like him.

Bem comes to see Arinola at home. He says he heard she wasn’t feeling too well so he brought breakfast.
Arin is really happy to see him.

Oye gets to work and Tes asks what’s up. She says “domestic issues”.
He says he understands and sometimes he wants to shake his brother.

Vina comes in and Tes asks about Adze. She says he is fine.
Tes says if there's anything, she can come to him.
She repeats his words, with sarcasm.
He tells her that he has Adze’s best interest at heart.

Bem and Arinola are having breakfast and chatting.
She tells him he really doesn't have to bring her breakfast.
He says he her fiancé.
He looks at her and says he knows she’s not really sick and may just be worried about something.
She says she is worried about the upcoming primaries.
He says Ntse called him about having lunch with both of them so he will pick Arin from the office later.

Tes meets Adze. Adze seems to be on edge, he says he’s good and everything is fine.
Tes asks if he has anything to say to him, like about their dad.
Adze feigns ignorance.
Tes says their dad came back home last night, a little more tightly wound up than usual.
Adze gets angry and says so anytime their dad is upset, it must be him.
Tes says he didn’t mean it like that but he doesn’t bring up the fact that Adze was in the house.
Adze gets a call from Billz, asking to meet up.
He gets up to leave then tells Tes that their dad should have brought him (Tes) into ‘Populous’ instead.
Tes wonders about the name ‘Populous’.

Oye is with Arinola at work.
Tokunboh’s blackmail seems to be getting to Arinola. She tells Oye that if this thing with the campaign doesn’t go well, Oye will always find something else.
Oye asks what she's talking about and Arinola evades the question.
Oye leaves and Arinola calls her account officer.

Bem is at the clubhouse. Folahan walks up to him and says he’s excited about the new initiates, especially his own pledge.
Bem asks what he's playing at.
Folahan feigns innocence and says he just saw a fine young man he thinks will make a good member.
He taunts Bem further by saying that he hopes Bem’s pledge will be as good as his, cause his (Adze) is a fine man, just like his father.

Vina meets up with Folahan in his car.
He asks her to give him some sugar; touching her lap.
She pushes his hand away and says no sugar.
She tells him that Adze said he invited him to a club.
Folahan says Adze needs to keep his mouth shut.
Vina quickly covers up for Adze, saying he didn't know he wasn't supposed to talk about it.
She says she doesn’t want him to get hurt.
Folahan says he won't, as long as Vina keeps her end of the bargain.
Bem’s fixer is watching them.

Bem and Arinola meet Ntse for lunch.
The waiter sets the table for four and Bem says it's just three of them.
Ntse says oh! She forgot to tell them her companion is joining them.
Tokunboh enters the restaurant and sits next to her.
Arinola’s expression changes and even Bem doesn’t look like he trusts Ntse’s motive.

Billz and Adze meet up at a restaurant.
Billz asks Adze what he's doing and Adze doesn’t give a coherent response.
Billz mentions the app that is making waves now, ‘Apploco’.
Adze lies that he has never heard of it.
Billz says he has been trying to get in touch with the owner but the guy never replies him.
Adze says maybe he is too busy.
Billz says he responds to others but never him.He says he will find out who the owner is. He will hack into the app.

Bem asks Tokunbo what he does for a living.
Tokunboh says he’s into the import and export business.
He sends Arinola a text message, asking for his money.
Arinola looks very uncomfortable.
Tokunboh asks Bem how he feels about Arinola being involved in politics.
Bem says he's fine with it.
Tokunboh asks if he doesn’t mind his deepest and darkest secrets being exposed.
As he says the words, slowly, he looks at Arinola.
Bem says it comes with the territory.
Tokunbo excuses himself and leaves the table.
Arinola looks constipated. Bem asks if she’s okay and she says she will be back.
She leaves the table as well.

Bem tells Ntse that he needs to check up on Arinola, as she ‘s been gone for a while.

Tokunbo is outside with Arinola.
He asks her for his money and Arinola says she was able to come up with just 30 million naira.
He says it’s not good enough.

Bem sees them talking, then he heads back into the restaurant.

* Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading. Thank you!

**Catch 'Hush' every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 9:00pm C.A.T

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