Tuesday 10 May 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 186 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 10 May 2016

Mano gives Tara a doll for Advitya.
The family is gathered around Mano as she opens her luggage.
Saloni asks Maro for a doll for her daughter.
Everyone looks at her and she tells them that she will get her daughter back and she will give her a doll.
Mano gives her a doll.
She tells Saloni to accompany her to the temple to pray for her daughter.

Savitri, the woman who was given Saloni 's baby, is still searching for the baby. Her husband comes home and she accosts him, asking for her baby.
He ignores her and asks her for food.
He goes to lie down and she jacks him by his collar, still asking for her baby.
He tells her that he got rid of her and she must be far away because he left her on a truck.
She picks up a stick and hits him then she threatens to kill him if he doesn't tell her where she is.
He tells her the name of the truck and she runs out of the house.
His head is bleeding.

She gets to the main road and starts to ask policemen at a checkpoint if they’ve seen her daughter.
She tells them that her husband left her in a truck.
They say they haven't seen her.
She is crying. A woman approaches her to ask why she is crying. She tells the woman what happened.
The woman encourages her to go to the temple.

Saloni and Mano enter the temple and as they are about to start praying, they see some men chasing a woman away. They tell her she can't enter the temple because she is an untouchable.
Saloni asks her what happened. The woman, Savitri, says her daughter is missing but the men say she can't enter.
Saloni asks who said it. A man says she is low class so she can't enter.
Mano says how does  he know she's untouchable; she says she knows he visits prostitutes in that area at night but pretends during the day.
The man tells them to take Savitri out. He holds her by her wrist but Saloni removes his hand and challenges him.
He says he knows she's a Rajput but he won't allow the other woman in.
Saloni holds her hand and starts to take her in but the men protest, blocking her path.
She takes a stick from one of them and tells the woman to go in.
Aunt Mano shoves the men aside and Saloni takes Savitri in.

They both say their prayers.

The driver of the truck the baby is in, parks the truck and tells his boy that they should go to the temple.

Saloni and Savitri leave the temple and on getting outside, they pass by the truck but they have no idea that their baby is there.
Savitri thanks Saloni for her help. Saloni asks her what happened to her daughter.
Savitri relays the story.
Saloni encourages her and tells her that her daughter is also separated  from her but she is sure she will see her soon.

As soon as Saloni leaves, Savitri starts hearing a baby cry.  She knows it's her baby. She sees the truck but it starts to move.
She runs and screams after it then she begs a passerby to tell her where the truck is going. He tells her then she turns to face the temple and  thanks mother goddess for answering her prayers.

Samar tells Ginni that Saloni is very disturbed about her missing baby.
Ginni is packing up her things to leave.
He tells her to stay and look after Nikita.
Ginni says it is important that she leaves because Nikita will not consider Samar and Kaveri as her parents, if she stays.
Samar says she shouldn't think Kaveri will be upset.

Kaveri enters and says she is very ashamed of everything and she wants Ginni to forgive her.
Ginni tells her that Samar js a nice man and he loves her.
Kaver says she knows and even though he has forgiven her, she will never be able to forgive herself.

In the middle of the night, it is very windy and Saloni wakes up. Nahar asks her to cover herself from the cold.
Saloni says she knows her daughter must be cold as well and she hopes the person with her will cover her up.
Saloni starts to pray for her daughter to be safe and protected.

The baby is crying at the back of the truck.
The truck driver and his boy hear the baby crying and the driver stops the truck
They go to the back and the boy climbs in. They are shocked when they see the baby.
The boy picks her up and wraps her in a blanket to keep her warm.
The driver decides that they will leave her on another truck in the next town.

Savitri is on her journey to the truck’s next stop.

Mano goes to visit  Ambica and Narpat.
She greets them with a hug and they exchange pleasantries.
She sees Kaveri and asks Samar if she's still as crooked as always or has she changed.
Kaveri goes to greet her and when Manos sees the baby bump, she is happy.
Narpat asks if she will stay with them.
She says she will stay but she knows kaveri will not want her to stay
Ambica says kaveri has really changed.
Mano says it's not easy to change one’s nature. She looks at Kaveri, who looks upset and says Kaveri should be used to her way of speaking and shouldn’t feel bad.

Saloni watches as Tara and Pia play with their children.
Tara sees her and takes Advitya to her saying Saloni should put him to sleep because she has things to do.
Saloni reaches for him but hesitates when she remembers all Tara had said in the past. Tara apologises to her again and she takes Advitya.

Nahar receives a phone call and says he will be there right away.
Saloni asks if there's any update on their baby.
Nahar says the commissioner found some women who fit the description of the woman who is with their baby, so he wants them and the nurse to come and identify the woman.
They get to the hospital and wait for the nurse.
The nurse looks at all the women but none is Savitri.
She tells them that she is not there.
Saloni tells her to check again, she's in panic mode.
The nurse insists that she is not there.
Saloni is hysterical, she asks the nurse to describe the woman to her.
Nahar begs Saloni to get a grip.

The truck driver and his boy take the baby and place her behind another truck.
The truck moves away and the boy tells his master that he feels bad.
The driver says if the cops find the baby with them, they’d be in big trouble

The police commissioner tells Nahar that there isn't much they can do anymore to find his child.
Saloni comes in and says says she will find her baby without their help.

Savitri starts to check trucks and sees the one her baby was in.
She stops the driver and asks where her baby is.
The driver denies knowing anything.
She goes to the back of the truck and climbs in, she doesn't find the baby.
She sits down crying and tells him to swear he didn't see her baby.
He confesses to feeding the baby and putting her behind another truck.
They tell her where the truck has gone and decide to help her get there.

Some children from the orphanage come to the house and Saloni washes their feet. One of them prays for her to find her baby.
Dheer asks Saloni what the need is for all as she is doing.
Veer tell him to think before speaking.
Mano tells him that it is not right to make fun of someone's belief even if he doesn't understand it.
Dheer says even the police have given up.
Mano tells Saloni that mother goddess will not disappoint her.
Saloni says she wants to find her baby but doesn't know how.
Aunt Mano tells Saloni to come with her.

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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