Saturday 14 May 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 189 Recap - Aired: Friday 13 May 2016

A nurse who had taken Nahar’s blood sample earlier, places his file on a doctor’s table.

Ambica, Kaveri and aunt Mano arrive at the hospital.
Varum tells Saloni and Nahar that they can take Shweta home.
Brajesh calls Nahar then asks to speaks with Varum.
He invites Varum to come over to the house so they can catch up.
Varum says he will make the time.

Babho tells Nahar to go and join Brajesh in the office. She assures him that they will take care of Shweta.

Dheer is in the canteen with kaveri. He's complaining about the outsider in the house that the family now tends to focus on more than him.
Kaveri says she doesn't consider the child as family. She says that Saloni didn't think about the family when she brought an orphan home.
They continue to gossip about Saloni till gets a call to let them know Shweta has been discharged and it’s time to head home.

Varum looks at Nahar's hospital file and discusses it with the other doctors.
He asks one of the doctors if he's sure he didn't make a mistake. The doctor says he didn't.

Brajesh tells Nahar that Varoon had promised to come for dinner.
Nahar says he got the phone number.
Varum says he can't keep the information any longer,  he has to tell Brajesh because the time is running out.
He calls Brajesh 's phone but Nahar answers it. Varoon goes on to break the bad news about Nahar’s health condition, thinking he’s speaking with Brajesh
Nahar is in shock and drops the phone.

Brajesh gets back to his office and picks his phone. He sees several missed calls and dials the munber back. It is Varum.
As Varum is about to speak, Nahar, who had rushed back to the hospital, cuts the call.
 Varum is shocked to see Nahar.
Nahar asks him what is wrong.
Varum is surprised so Nahar explains to him that he answered the call and not Brajesh.
 He gets very agitated as he begs Varum to tell him what is wrong with him.
Varum says he's sorry and sometimes doctors don't always have all the answers.
 He says Nahar has only a few days to live.

Nahar cannot believe what he just heard He falls on the chair and asks what's going on.
Varum tries to calm him down.
Nahar says he doesn't have any sickness; he's very healthy.
Varum says the ailment is rare and hardly ever shows any symptoms;  they checked his blood and found brain meningitis.
Varum says it’s a good thing Shweta' s blood type was later found in the hospital otherwise they wouldn't have been able to give Shweta his blood.

Nahar says there must be something they can do.
Varum says he's sorry, it’s too late and Nahar is in the final stage.

Brajesh calls Varum back but  Nahar begs Varum not to tell him.
Varum tells Brajesh he was just making a courtesy call.
Nahar begs Varum to try and do something.
Varum agrees to carry out more tests.

Nahar's phone is ringing. It's Saloni.
He wipes his tears and answers.
She tells him they need to take Shweta for her vaccine.
He asks if she can go by herself, she says he will be considered an irresponsible father if he doesn't show up. He begs her to please go by herself and she says she was just joking.

Saloni accidentally drops the box where she keeps her nuptial bangles.
The bangles scatter into pieces.
Savitri tells her that breaking her nuptial bangles is bad luck for the bride.
Saloni asks Savitri if Sandri has taken her vaccines. Savitri says she hasn't.
Saloni says they will come with her to the hospital for the vaccine.

Nahar is taken in for the tests.
Saloni, Savitri and Pia bring their children to the same hospital, for their vaccination.
Varum tells Nahar to go to the waiting room and he will get back to him when the report is ready.
Nahar goes to sit in the hallway, in a daze and crying.
Saloni sees him in the hallway and teases him about still coming for the vaccine.
She asks him why his hands are cold.
Before he can answer, Varum comes in and tells Nahar that he will get the report tomorrow.
Saloni asks what report he's talking about. Nahar freezes.
Varum lies that a flu bug infected some of the employers in  Nahar's office so Nahar just came for a check up

Back home, the family is interacting and  Nahar just watches them sadly.
The women discuss what they want their children to be when they grow up.
Veer asks what she wishes for Shweta when she grows up.
Saloni says she wants her to be a doctor so she can help people and to marry a doctor.
She talks about Nahar and her growing old, the things Nahar would do at Shweta’s wedding, how he will name all his grandchildren.
Nahar  is upstairs, watching and listening in tears. She gets to the room and asks what the matter is.

He calls Saloni and she goes upstairs to meet him.
She looks at him and asks what's wrong with him, she's getting scared.
Nahar says he has something important to talk about, Shweta.
She asks if he's talking about Shweta's marriage;  it still a long time off so let them just forget the past or future and focus on now.
Nahar says Saloni gives all her attention to Shweta's, he’s feeling insecure.
She laughs and says it's just the beginning.

At night, Saloni is sleeping while Nahar is pacing the balcony.
Nahar starts to pay. He says that he wants to live; let the goddess do something positive for him so he can believe all was a nightmare.
He wants to live for Saloni and his daughter; their lives will be empty without him.

Babho asks him what he's doing there.
He wipes his tear and says he was looking at the stars.
Babho joins him in talking about stars.
He gives her a hug which takes her by surprise.
She asks him why he's crying and he says he's just happy.
She says she remembers when he was sentenced to be hanged and God saved him. She begins to pray for long life and peace for him.

Next day, the entire family gathers for morning prayers.
Nahar gets a call from Varum, asking him to come over to the hospital.

Babho asks why Varum called so early.
Nahar says they want to catch up on old times.

Manor complains of her knees to Ambica and Narpat.
She tells Kaveri to get her ginger tea. Ambica offers to get it but Mano insists it must be kaveri.
Kaveri gets to the kitchen grumbling and decides to put very little sugar in the tea.
Mano tastes the tea and complains about the very little sugar in it. She makes Kaveri go back and put in some more sugar.

Nahar asks Varum about the report.
Varum says the report was right; Nahar has like two months to live.
Nahar is confused.
Varum apologises and says he wishes he never came back.
Nahar says he trusts Varum will not let anything happen to him, he should know some specialists that can help.
Varum says he wishes there was something he can do but he just wants Nahar to accept it then tell his family.
Nahar is in tears. Varum tells him to live his life in the best way he can; create great memories in two months.

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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