Thursday 12 May 2016

'Tinsel' Season 8 Episode 1774 Recap - Aired: Thursday 12 May 2016

Chuks is at home, talking on the phone with Ene.
Frank is in the flat, fiddling with his phone.
Ene is beating herself up for scoring 92 percent in a test. Chuks tells her it is a very good score but she says she wanted to score 100 percent.

After the call, he looks moody.
Frank asks him what the issue is and he tells Frank that Ene deserves more than the life he's giving her.
Frank tells him not to lose hope, something will happen.

Richard asks Tessa if Yaya has told her about him.
Tessa says Yaya kind of mentioned him.
Yaya is obviously upset at having him there. She asks him what he's up to.
He says he came to be with her and he loves her. He asks if she is acting up because of Tessa.
Tessa tells him to leave because he upset her friend. She calls him a creep.
He stares at Yaya long and hard then storms out of the bar.

Chuks calls his mum on the phone.
The mum says she's concerned about Ene being far away.
Chuks says they talk everyday.
The mum asks if he takes time to” romance her on the phone” when they talk.
Chuks is shocked. He says he tries.
She asks how exactly he starts the conversation.
Chuks starts to pretend there is a poor network connection and he’s unable to hear her.

Sankey and Segun discuss a case. Sankey is upset with him because he doesn't have enough evidence on the suspect.
The ICC agent calls Sankey and says he found another account Brenda opened for the Kwame Mensah foundation.
Sankey says she needs the details of the account so she can also check it out.

At Reel, Philip, Laide, Amaka, Dr. Gyang and Dikibo are in a meeting.
Dikibo asks the others if they saw Tessa's critique on the movie.
Everyone is happy with her work and the tribute she wrote about Fred.
Philip says she wrote something good about Sheila too.
Laide gets upset and makes up an excuse to leave.

Brenda reads something on her system that upset her.
She calls Nnenna and tells her to set up an urgent meeting with the staff.
She gets a call from Fabian and as he begins his usual threats, she drops the phone.

Chuks enters Ziggy’s and asks Obiora if they will cater at the customer's event.
Obiora says they will. Chuks tells Obiora that he can assist them at the event, for a small fee.
Obiora says they can manage. He tells Frank to take a carton of drinks to the venue but Frank falls down with the carton.
Chuks smiles and tells Obiora that they need him.
Obiora gives in.

Yaya is waiting in the car for Tessa who has gone to get the abortion pills.
She gets back into the car and hands Yaya the drug.
Yaya asks if she's sure she wasn't being followed.  Tessa says she wasn't.
Yaya asks how she was able to get them to sell it to her.
Tessa says she dazzled them with her british accent.
Yaya thanks her for getting the drug.

Brenda informs the staff that she got an email from World Movies saying they want to pull out of the contract because of the quality of the treatment they are getting.
Brenda berates the Team for the poor treatment they’ve produced and orders them to write fresh pitches.

Brenda is in Angela’s office.  Angela calls one of the bosses at world movies and asks what's going on.
He says his people didn't think their pitch was fantastic.
Angela says they will send more stories before the close of the day.
He says it won't hurt to try.
Brenda commends Angela for saving the day.
Fabian calls Angela. As soon as Brenda hears her mention his name, she snatches the phone from her ear and tells her never to speak to him.
Angela is stunned.

Laide meets Philip at Ziggy’s. He tells her he realised she hasn't been getting the credit she deserves and he wants to let her know he appreciates her effort on the movie.
She says he's telling her in private and no one cares about the movie because the Guardias have come to soil the work.
She says she will only continue at Reel if he has nothing to do with the Guardias.
He reminds her that he is married to one.
Laide carries on about Sheila and how she is a Guardia.
Philip tells her he will not sit and allow an outsider tell him how to run his family's affairs.
Laide is deeply offended by the word “outsider”.
He tries to apologise but she walks out.

Angela asks Brenda why she snatched her phone like that.
Brenda tells her that Fabian will never have anything good to say.
Angela says she would like to be the judge of that.
Brenda reminds her that Fabian wanted her killed and has been stalking her (Brenda) for months.
Angela says she knows there is something up because Brenda looked really panicked when she took the phone.
Fabian calls back and tells Angela that he's sorry for her loss.
She drops the phone and begins to gasp for air.
Brenda rushes to her side and asks what he said.
Angela tells Brenda that she now knows who killed Masters.

Chuks enters the bar very unhappy and says he's not going to be a waiter at the party anymore.
Frank asks him why.
Chuks says that the celebrant is an old classmate and the party is to celebrate his promotion at an oil company.
Frank says Chuks still has to go back and work at the party.
Chuks says “lai lai”.

Tessa is with Yaya at home. She reads out the instructions on the drug and says Yaya needs to take it with someone present, just in case.
Yaya says Tessa is there so she will just take it.
She gets a glass of water and Tessa asks if she's sure.
Yaya says she is, she collects the drug and swallows it.

*Catch TINSEL every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 8:30pm C.A.T

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