Wednesday 25 May 2016

'East Meets West' Season 1 Episode 19 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 24 May 2016

Udey and Lumita are in their hotel room, getting ready for bed.
Udey holds Lumita and touches her hair while looking lovingly into her eyes.
His phone starts to ring but he ignores it. It keeps ringing, so Lumita tells him to answer it.
He picks up ad it’s his mother, Rheka.
He tells her that everything is fine.
He gives the phone to Lumita and Rheka tells her not to forget what the priest said.
After the call, Udey holds her again but Lumita says she’s very tired and she goes to lie down on her side of the bed, facing the wall.
Udey is not happy about this; he gets on his own side of the bed.

Abhay is thinking of what he overheard his father saying, about wanting Lisa to stay back in India when Abhay travels.
He decides that he will make his father happy by asking Lisa to stay back.
In the morning, Lisa wakes him up and he tells her he has seen how she is trying to fit into the family; she now wakes up early.
She says she's doing it all for him and the family.
He tells her that he's been thinking about going to America alone. She asks why?
He says his mum is ill and his father has just started accepting her so it's not a good time to leave.
Lisa says his mum is fine and she can get close to his dad when they get back.
Abhay insists that he wants her to stay back. She gets upset and leaves the room.

Lumita wakes up in the morning and Udey is still asleep.  He wakes up shortly after and she asks if she should order tea for him.
He leaves the room in anger but comes back to ask if she wants to stay in the hotel or go out.
She says whatever he wants to do and he says they will go out.

At breakfast, Rheka asks when grandfather and the couple are leaving.  Grandfather asks Abhay if they will be done packing today.
Abhay says he will be done packing.
Rheka says what about Lisa.  Lisa says she is not going; it is her decision.
Rheka asks why and she says her mother-in-law is not feeling well.
Rhama says Lisa shouldn't stay back because of her as she is okay now.
Rheka too says Lisa has to go.
Ranbir says Lisa has made a wise decision.
Grandfather says in that case, they should get packing.

Udey and Lumita go out into the town again to sightsee.
He takes her shopping. She tries on the outfit and he's really pleased with what he sees.
Back home, Abhay is packing and Lisa is upset.
He tells her he is lucky to have her as his wife and she says she is lucky too and will try to adjust when he's not around and she will take care of his family.

Abhay and grandfather say their goodbyes to the family.
Rheka still brings up the matter of Lisa not going. She tells Ranbir that his daughter-in-law should be allowed to go.
Ranbir’s response is that Lisa is HIS daughter-in- law. His emphasis is a way or telling her to mind her own business.

Udey gets a call from the hotel manager inviting him to a party the hotel is having.
He tells Lumita to get ready for the party and helps her pick out what to wear.
He tells her to meet him downstairs.
Lumita dresses up then goes downstairs to meet Udey.
He is speechless when he sees her. He walks up to her and takes her to the dance floor.
As he tries to dance with her, she turns away, remembering what Rheka said.
She says she wants to go back to the room.

In the room, Udey asks her what is wrong; doesn't she like him because she keeps pulling away from him. He says if she didn't want the marriage, she shouldn’t have gone through with it.
Lumita tries to explain but Udey says he doesn't want to hear it; he’s convinced that she never accepted him as her husband.
Lumita is in tears.

In the morning, the house phone rings and Nena answers the call.
After the call, she is in tears as she informs the family that her mother has fallen ill so she has to go.
Grandmother sympathises with her and says they will give her some money to go.
Banwari asks if they should allow her go on her own and Ranbir says they will send the male servant to go with her.
He gives the man some money to take Nena home.
When the rest of the family clears out of the living room, Ranbir commends Banwari on the good job he did.
He says they will now see how Lisa will take care of the family by herself.

Lumita wakes up and Udey is not in the room.
He comes in from the bathroom and she asks if she should order him tea. He says no but he picks the phone and orders tea for himself.
Ranbir sees Rhama helping Lisa in the kitchen.  He tells Rhama to go and rest.
Lisa says she will manage it.
Rhama says she won't be able to handle it alone but Ranbir says Lisa will learn if she is given the chance.

Lumita tells Udey that she is going to take a shower.
He ignores her.
Rheka calls and asks him what's wrong. He says everything is fine but she insists that he tells her.
He says he doesn't think Lumita is happy and instead of growing closer, they're drifting apart.
Rheka says this was what she was afraid of, she says she wants him happy but Lumita is his wife and he needs to look after her.
Lumita gets out of the bathroom and Udey is not in the room. She phones the manager and asks where Udey is.
The manager says he left the hotel so she asks how she can make a call with the  hotel phone and he tells her how.

Lisa takes milk to grandmother in her room and tells her to remember to take her drugs.
Grandmother says Lisa should be honest with her; she must be feeling bad that Udey and Lumita are on theri honeymoon while she is at home.
Lisa says she is not feeling bad because Udey and Lumita needed the honeymoon.
Ranbir is outside listening and seems to feel a little bit of remorse.

Lumita walks to the beach looking for Udey.
She hears people talking about a man that drowned and she rushes to the scene.
The man is lying face down in a shirt similar to Udey's.

She looks up and sees Udey. She rushes to him, relieved and hugs him in tears.
She asks why he left her and he tells her not to cry.
They get to their room and she's still crying.  He begs her not to cry and she asks why he left.
He said he needed some time alone and he didn't know it would take long.
She begs him not to be worried because her.
He says he knows she has a good heart and won't want to hurt anyone.
He tells her to rest and she says she knows he hasn't eaten.
He calls room service and orders food for them.
Lumita thinks about how lucky she is to have a person like Udey and how she is torn by the secret.

Lisa calls Abhay at night. She says she's missing him and he says he misses her too and he will be back as soon as possible.
He gets another call and they say their goodbyes.

Ranbir and Rhama are together. Grandmother joins them and says she was thinking that it's been long since they had a prayer ceremony at home and they should have one.
Ranbir says they can have it today.
Grandmother says Nena and Nando are not home.
Rhama says she will handle it and Ranbir says they should have another one when Udey and Lumita come back.
Rhama tells Lisa about the prayers and tells her to try not to make any mistakes.  Ranbir is listening.

*Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading. Thank you!

**Catch 'East Meets West' on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 9pm C.A.T

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