Wednesday 11 May 2016

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 187 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 11 May 2016

The driver of the second truck and his boy, discuss what they will do with the child.

Aunt Mano tells Saloni that the priest she is a taking her to is a divine messenger of God.
The driver and his body drop the baby in a temple and run off.
A beggar sees them.

Saloni and aunt Mano are in the same temple where her baby was drooped.
The priest tells Saloni that her daughter is not far from her, she is close by.
Saloni asks when she will find her.
He says some things are controlled by the Lord and he can't say it all.
He tells her that her daughter is safe and can feel her love. Saloni is happy.

When they leave the temple they walk towards Saloni 's daughter but the beggar picks her up and takes her away.

They get to their car and see a flat tyre, so they wait while he driver fixes it.
A lady goes after the hermit asking about the child.
The beggar says she is his child and her mother passed on at birth.
The lady says she saw him pick her up from the temple.
He lies that he left her to go and pray

Saloni and aunt Mano are just nearby but their backs are turned . so they have no idea what is going on behind them.
The lady tells the beggar not to move. Then she runs to Saloni and aunt Mano.
She tells them that a man is trying to run off with a child and she wants them to come and take a look.
When they turn, the man has fled with the child.
Saloni asks how old was the child and the lady says about 2 or 3months old. Saloni is in shock.

As they are leaving, she thanks aunt Mano and says she has found new hope and knows she will definitely find her daughter soon.
Their car stops at a traffic light and  the beggar, carrying the child, approaches them, begging for money for the sick child.
Aunt Mano tells Saloni that the people have devised a ploy to beg for money when the child is not really sick.
Saloni gives him money for the child  then sh reaches out to touch the baby’s head, just as the car starts to move.

As soon as they leave, the police arrives the scenes to arrest the people using chidren as beggars.
The arrest the beggar and ask him where he got the child.
He tells them that he found her in the temple.
They take the child away from him and arrest him.

Savitri gets to the new truck and tries to get in.
A man asks her what she is looking for and she tells him about the child.
He tells her that the child is not on his truck and that the actual driver of the truck has travelled elsewhere and he will be back in 3 days.
Savitri says she will wait till the driver comes back.

A lady brings Saloni's baby to the orphanage. She introduces the baby to the other children in the orphanage.
The matron of the orphanage asks her where she found the child and she says she rescued her from the hands of a beggar.
They take the child to a doctor. He checks her and says  she needs immediate treatment because she is anaemic.

Saloni tells Brajesh that she will go from house to house checking babies who were delivered in recent times because the priest told her that her baby is nearby.
Nahar says he doesn't believe in what such things
Saloni says she didn't believe until the priest saw her and told her she was looking for her daughter, even before she opened her mouth to speak.
Nahar says the police are searching but Saloni says she can't live without her daughter.

The doctor begins treatment on the baby.

Savitri sits out in the rain, waiting.

Saloni is deep in her thoughts and refusing to eat.

Aunt Mano begs Saloni to eat something. Saloni says she won't eat anything. She's worried and needs to find her child.
Nahar comes in and aunt Mano begs him to talk to his wife.
Nahar tells Saloni that she is not worried about her health, she needs to eat.
Saloni says she is worried about her child.
Nahar takes her by the hand and tells her to come with him.

He drives her to an orphanage.
She asks how their daughter can be in an orphanage.
He tells her that if she wants to bestow motherly love, she has the kids at the orphanage; the children are also looking for a parent's love.
Saloni starts to play with the kids.
One of the sisters at the orphanage asks what they've come for.
Saloni says they want to adopt a child, a girl, about 3 to 4 months old.

The sister takes them into the room where the babies are.
Before they got into the room, one of the women took Saloni's baby and put her away from the other kids so she doesn't infect them with her sickness.
Saloni and Nahar look at the babies but when their child starts to cry, she gets their attention.
Saloni sees the baby and says she recognises her.
The sister tells her that the cops got her from a person on the street.
Saloni picks her up and hugs her then the baby stops crying.
Saloni says she feels a connection to her.
The woman is surprised that they want a sick child with dark complexion.
Saloni says all children need love.
The lady is impressed.

They sign the papers and tell them that they need one day to finish the court formalities before giving them the child.
Saloni begs and the lady agrees to let them go home with the child to because she knows their family.
Saloni says she’s dying to go home so she can introduce the baby to her family.

Savitri asks the man who told her the truck driver will arrive in 3 days to confirm if today is the 3rd day.
The man says it is but how can she be sure that her baby will still be on the truck.

The truck arrives and Savitri goes to ask the driver about her child.
He denies knowing anything but Savitri gets upset and picks up a stone to threaten him.
He tells her where he left the child.

The family is expecting Saloni and Nahar.
They get back home with the baby.
The family is excited, thinking they found their baby.
Nahar tells them that they adopted a baby and the smiles fade but they quickly recover and say it is a good thing.
Babho says they need to perform a ritual to welcome the baby.
Everyone is happy again.
Nahar tells them that they met the baby crying but when Saloni held her, she stopped crying.
Stupid Dheer tells Saloni that she was picky with the child; she selected one with her same dark complexion.
The mood in the room changes but Babho saves the situation by telling Dheer that the baby will also have Saloni's gentle nature which is a good thing.
The smiles return.

Savitri arrives at the temple to ask if anyone has seen her daughter.  They tell her that they haven't.
She meets the lady who confronted the beggar and asks her then she meets the lady who took the baby to the orphanage and cries to her.

Saloni and Nahar are really bonding with the baby.
Saloni says he is their baby. Nahar reminds her that the baby will be officially theirs tomorrow after the paper work is complete.
They try to choose a name for her. Nahar gives suggestions but Saloni doesn't like any.

Next day, they go back to the orphanage to finish the paperwork.
As they are about to leave, they run into Savitri who starts to cry and call out the name she gave the baby, Savri.
She thanks Saloni for helping her gain access into the temple to pray and now mother goddess has given her back her child.
The warden tells her to identify the child and show proof.
She says the baby has a necklace on.
They check and they don't find the necklace.
The warden orders that they take her away for lying about the baby.
The guards come to take her but Saloni  begins to remember when she met the woman before, the day   her husband tried to sell the baby's necklace.
Saloni tells them to leave her and allow her to take the child.
Savitri thanks Saloni and says he will pray for her to find her own child.

Saloni  and Nahar hear a warden abusing a child, saying she is an untouchable.
Nahar and Nahar go to her and Saloni says the woman should be ashamed of herself.
Saloni looks at the child and says she wants to adopt her.
The matron tells her to really think about what she is doing because there will be mayhem in the rajput community if they find out she is bringing in an untouchable.
Saloni tells her that it's only her husband's permission that she needs.
Nahar tells her to go and wait with the baby in the car while he finishes the paperwork.

Saloni gets outside and sees Savitri sitting on the floor with the baby.
She asks her why she hasn’t gone home.
Savitri says she doesn't have a house because her husband tried to sell the baby at a brothel, so  she won't be going back.
Saloni asks her what she intends to do to survive.
Savitri says God will provide; she will try and get a job as a gardener.
Saloni says they need a gardener so Savitri can come home with them; she will have shelter and a job and their babies can grow up together.
Nahar hears everything so he calls Babho and tells her to inform the family.

They get home and receive a warm welcome from the family.

*Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

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