Monday 23 May 2016

'East Meets West' Season 1 Episode 17 Recap - Aired: Friday 20 May 2016

Banwari asks Ranbir what is wrong.
Ranbir says he's worried.
Banwari says Lumita has been acting strange since Rheka took her to the priest.
Ranbir points out that Rheka doesn't even believe in astrology so he knows something is up.
He thinks Rheka may have brainwashed Lumita.
Banwari says he noticed that Lumita has been acting cold towards Ranbir.
Ranbir says he will do something before Lumita falls into Rheka's evil plans.

Govind tells Hardeep that he's not happy because he hasn't seen Lumita in a while
Hardeep says they also need to worry about their responsibilities in the village.
Govind says he doesn't trust Rheka.
Hardeep assures him that Rheka is taking care of Lumita; Lumita said so herself.
He complains about Ranbir and Hardeep assures him that all is well.
He agrees to go to the village.
Hardeep says they must see Lumita first.

Ranbir approaches Lumita during the Morning Prayer ritual. As she wants to walk away, he tells her he has a gift for her; it will bring her protection.
He gives her a photograph of the one they pray to.
She accepts it and he thanks her.
He asks what Rheka took her to the priest for and Lumita says Rheka already told everyone.
As she leaves, Ranbir is happy she spoke to him.

Lumita brings tea to everyone, she places Ranbir’s cup on the table in front of him instead of handing it to him like the others.

Govind and Hardeep come to visit.
Lumita hugs them in excitement.
They inform the family that they are going back to the village so they came to say goodbye to Lumita.
Everyone leaves Lumita and her family in the living room.
Ranbir tries to talk to Govind but Govind ignores him.

Lumita tells her aunt and uncle that she will be so lonely if they leave town. She is crying.
They console her and say they will be back in a while after she gets back from her honeymoon.
Hardeep gives her a perfume and says she should use it on her honeymoon so that her husband will not be able to stay away from her.
Lumita continue to cry because she can't tell her aunt what she is going through.

Lumita enters the room crying and Udey tells her that he doesn't like to see her cry.
He begs her not to feel bad that her uncle and aunt have left because he and his family will take care of her.
To take her mind of the issue, he tells her that he doesn't really know how to pack and asks if she will help him.
She smiles and agrees.

Abhay and Lisa enter the room and say they have packed their own stuff.
Anjana enters also and says she's sure that Abhay did all the work with packing their own stuff.
Lisa says she actually did all the packing and Abhay didn't do anything.
Udey says in a marriage, it doesn't matter who does what.

Anjana goes to Rheka and says the couples are going on honeymoon together; she asks what will happen if Lisa becomes like Lumita or Lumita becomes like Lisa.
Rheka begins to think of who she can use to ensure Lisa and Abhay do not go on the trip.

She goes to the kitchen and meets Nena making tea for Rhama.
She tells Nene to gets her pills because she has a headache.
As Nena leaves, Rheka puts something in the tea.
Ranjeet is in the living as Nena is taking the tea to Rhama, he asks for the tea but Rheka quickly tells him to allow Nena take it to Rhama because she has been waiting for a while.
Nena takes the tea to Rhama and Rheka watches as she takes a sip.

The couples are about to leave for their honeymoon and Rheka asks why Rhama isn't in the living room to say goodbye. She thinks the drug she put in the tea would have taken effect already.
Ranbir calls Rhama and to Rheka’s surprise, Rhama shows up, looking as healthy as can be.
The family say their goodbyes to the couple and as they get to the door, Rhama faints.

A doctor comes in and tells them she will be alright. She fainted due to fatigue and needs to rest.
Abhay tells her to rest and take her medication.
Rhama says she will be fine and he should go on his honeymoon.
Abhay says he's not going, Udey says they will all stay.
Ranbir says the family will take care of Rhama but Abhay can stay.
Udey says they should all go but Abhay says he will not go;  he insists Udey should go.

Lisa is crying in the room. Rheka goes to her and says Ranbir should have convinced Abhay to go. She says it's a pity that Udey and Lumita will enjoy their honeymoon whilst Lisa and Abhay will be home.
She says it's a bit strange that Rhama fell ill at the last minute. She says Ranbir could have been planning it all along as he didn’t want Abhay and Lisa to go on the honeymoon.

On the way, Udey and Lumita discuss the issue with Abhay and Lisa.
Lumita says a silent prayer to God for strength to keep her promise to stay away from Udey.

Lisa asks Rhama if she needs anything.  Rhama says she's is fine and not sick; she's only in bed because everyone insists.
Lisa says if she needs anything, she should let her know. Then she leaves the room.

Grandmother, Abhay and Ranbir enter the room.
Ranbir tells his mother that she will have to take care of Rhama since Lumita is not around and nothing can be expected from Lisa.
Rhama says Lisa just asked her if she needed anything and that he shouldn't worry, Lisa will soon be like Lumita.
Ranbir says Lisa will never be like Lumita.
Abhay says if he keeps comparing Lisa to Lumita then how he will see the good qualities in Lisa.
Ranbir asks why Lisa is not with Rhama; she just checked on her and left.

Abhay goes to the room to scold Lisa for not taking care of his mother.
She says she checked up on her but she says she was fine so she left.
He says if she continues to stay away his father will never accept her.
Abhay says he loves her but she needs to try harder so his father can accept her.
Lisa says she should be given some more time, she will try.

Udey and Lumita get to the hotel for their honeymoon.
He runs into a friend at the reception and introduces her to Lumita.
Lumita responds in a traditional way to the greeting and Udey looks a little embarrassed.

They enter the decorated rooms and he holds her hand. They stare at each other for a while as he holds unto the hand.

Rheka is in her room and Udey comes in with Lumita.
She's shocked and asks why they came so soon.
Udey leaves the room and Lumita breaks down crying that she couldn't keep her promise.
Rheka wakes up in shock from her dream and says it's a dream but it may come through.

Back in the honeymoon suite, Udey leaves Lumita to go and freshen up.
When he gets back into the room, Lumita pretends to be sleeping.
He gets on the bed and covers her up with a blanket.
When he switches of the bedside lamp, she opens her eyes.

*Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading. Thank you!

**Catch 'East Meets West' on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 9pm C.A.T

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