Monday 9 May 2016

'East Meets West' Season 1 Episode 7 Recap - Aired: Friday 6 May 2016

Rhama comes back home and meets Rheka and Ranveer in the living room.
Rheka asks how the haldi ceremony with Abhay went.
Rheka continues talking because she wants Ranveer to be even more upset than he already is. She says Rhama should let Lisa know about the indian rituals and customs since she’s a foreigner.
Ranveer walks up to Rhama and Rheka in anger. He gives them a serious look, then he turns away.
Rheka is left wondering what he has on his mind.

Udey thanks Rheka for making Rhama go to the hotel to perform Abhay's haldi ceremony.
She says she will do what she needs to do, to ensure that Abhay and Lisa come home since that’s what Udey wants.

Rhama meets Ranveer in the room and tells him she went to perform the haldi ceremony without informing him. She looks contrite
Ranveer surprises her by saying she's not at fault because he knows she was made to do it.
He hugs her and she asks if he's happy with both weddings happening on the same day.
Ranveer turns to walk away and she begs him not to do anything drastic
He says he won't but Rheka is trying to have her way by any means necessary and he won’t fall for it.
Ranveer goes down to address the family. He says they should have a pre-wedding ceremony.
Rheka looks suspicious.
Grandfather says they should start the preparations.
Ranveer calls Jatan and informs him about the pre-wedding and henna ceremony in the house tomorrow.
Rheka is uncomfortable because she expected Ranveer to have backed out of the entire arrangement but he is even making more plans.

Jatan tells his family that they have been invited for the henna ceremony.
Govind, his brother, says they won't go to the house for the henna ceremony; Lumita will only go for her wedding on the day of the wedding because it is not part of their custome to go to the in-laws before the wedding.
Jatan tells him that Lumita is marrying into a prominent family and that is how things are done in the city.
Govind tells him to cancel the invite.
Jatan says nobody cares about it in the city.
Their sister, Hadeed, concurs with what Jatan is saying.
They manage to convince Govind in the end.

Banwari goes to tell Ranveer that he did the right thing by inviting the soon to be in-laws to a pre-wedding party; everyone will see each other enjoy themselves.
He brings up Abhay’s name but Ranveer gives him a warning look.
Banwari asks if he has planned anything for Abhay.
Ranveer tells him not to worry about that.
Rheka is eavesdropping on their conversation. She is wondering why Ranveer has not even told Banwari of his plans.

Abhay 's sister, Huma, tells Rheka that they're discussing the song list for the wedding.  Rheka gives her a list.

Anjana and her husband, Vinay, confront  Rheka about the wedding plans because they think she is now happy about it. She assures them that none of the weddings will happen.
Huma shows Ranveer the list of songs Rheka selected.  Ranveer says it will be nice; People will enjoy it
Rheka is watching.

Abhay is applying henna on Lisa's hands.  There is someone at the door. Lisa answers and it is Rheka.
He introduces her to Lisa.
Lisa tries to touch her feet but Rheka says there's no need, she just wants a hug.
Abhay thanks Rheka for all her help.
Rheka says the family wants them home.
She says Rhama forgot to tell them about the henna ceremony so Lisa should be there.
She tells Abhay that it is his chance to apologise to his father.
Abhay says they will be there.
Rheka says goodbye and leaves.

Banwari meets Udey in his room, staring out of the window.  He asks if he's okay. Udey says he is.
He tells him not to worry as they are all missing Abhay as well; he knows how close they are.
Udey says the ceremony seems incomplete without Abhay.
Banwari tries to encourage him to get ready and believe everything will be alright.

The guests begin to arrive for the henna ceremony.
Banwari welcomes them.

Rheka goes to Ranveer and tells him that some more guest will arrive, her daughter-in-law's family,  she will take care of everything.

Abhay and Lisa get ready to attend the ceremony.
Jatan and his family arrive. Ranveer gives him a hug.
Rekha tells Lumita to come and greet her.
Lamita goes to greet Rheka and the other women of the family.

The families exchange gifts. As Lumita's aunt is talking,  Rheka and Anjana roll their eyes, looking down on her and the rest of the family.

Abhay and Lisa arrive.  Ranveer gives a hard look. Udey is happy and rushes to hug Abhay.
Rheka introduces Lumita to Lisa as her daughter in law to be and also says she is 100 percent,villager.

She introduces Lumita‘s aunt and Lisa says ‘Hi’. The aunt tells her that 'hi' is for when something bad has happened;  In India people greet by saying ‘Namaste’.

Rheka announces that the ceremony should begin.
There's a dance performance.
Udey and Abhay also join in the dance. They pull their partners in, Lisa dances happily but Lumita is shy and just stands there looking awkward.
When it's time to go, they say their goodbyes. Abhay tries to touch Ranveer's feet but he moves back.
Udey walks Abhay and Lisa outside and they say their goodbyes.

When Lamita's family gets home, Jatan says the event went well. Govind complains about seeing Lisa the foreigner there because she started the whole mess.
He says he doesn't want Lumita to live in the same house as Lisa.
Jatan tells him they should not dwell on that.
Their sister says she has no problem with Lisa but Lumita's mother in law isthe one she's worried about because she was rude.
Ranjeet and Rheka are in the room. He tells her that she made everything okay and now the two weddings will happen.  He apologises for misunderstanding her.
He goes to sleep and Rheka begins to think aloud about her true intentions to stop wedding.

*Catch 'East Meets West' on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 9pm C.A.T

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