Tuesday 3 May 2016

'East Meets West' Season 1 Episode 3 Recap - Aired: Monday 2 May 2016

Lisa opens the door to their hotel room and two policemen walk in with a woman.
The police inspector in charge of the others, asks Abhay if he has any I.D on him.
Abhay brings out his I.D and shows to him. The inspector asks where he is from and Abhay says he's from here.
They ask Lisa who she is and Abhay says she is his wife.
They ask for proof of his marriage to Lisa and he says he has no proof yet because they just got married a few days ago.
The inspector says, in that case, they will have to arrest them. Abhay protests but they don’t listen. The female officer drags Lisa away.

Uday’s sister, the one who is just like their mother in behavious, goes up to Rekha (their mother) to asks what is wrong.  Rekha says she is fine but her daughter says she knows something is troubling her.
She says she knows her mum is upset because Uday is more concerned about another family than his.
Rekha says she will keep Uday away from Ranveer’s family.

Abhay and Lisa are in the police station. The inspector is still asking for proof and he says he will have to lock Lisa up for trafficking if he doesn’t get any.
Abhay begs for his phone so he can make a call. The inspector allows it.
Abhay calls Uday but Uday left his phone at home.  Rekha hears the phone ring and sees it’s Abhay calling so she rejects the call.
Abhay keeps calling back, so she switches the phone off.

Ranveer’s right hand man, Banwari, congratulates him because their plan is working. He says Lisa will be deported back to her country and Abhay will be forced to come back home.

The police are dragging Lisa to the cell when Abhay’s grandfather shows up.
He tells the inspector that Abhay and Lisa are married and he will take them home; if the inspector has a problem, then he will call the commissioner.
The inspector asks for proof of the marriage and the grandfather calls in a priest. He says that is the priest who married them and according to the law, a priest is enough proof.
The police release Abhay and Lisa.

Grandfather tells Abhay that he should come back home and not stay in a hotel.  Abhay says he wants Lisa to be accepted first.
His grandfather insists but Abhay says he doesn't want Lisa to suffer again so they will be going back to America.
Banwari gets a call from the police informing him about the failure of the plan.
He tells Ranveer and Ranveer is very upset.
He tells him it was his father who spoilt the plan.
Ranveer goes downstairs to look for his father.
Grandfather tells him Abhay doesn't want to stay in the country. His mother collapses.

Uday begs Ranveer to stop Abhay from leaving.
Ranveer says all he did was want his son to marry a nice girl.
Rekha tells Uday not to interfere but he tells her to understand.
Ranveer says Uday doesn't understand where he is coming from. Lamita’s father and some people are already calling him names because he couldn’t fulfil his promise of Abhay marrying Lamita.
Rhama begs Uday to talk to Abhay into staying in India.
Ranveer says no one will talk to Abhay until Lamita comes into the house.
Uday says there's a way out and that is, he will marry Lamita.
Ranveer is elated and hugs Uday.
Rekha is livid and says she won't allow it.
Ranveer and Rekha begin to argue about it.
Rekha says Ranveer wants to use her son to keep his promise to his friend.

Grandfather tells them to stop fighting over the issue.
Everyone disperses and Rekha drags Uday to their quarters.

Uday’s sister asks him how he can take a girl like Lamita as his wife.
His father tells him not to listen to anyone but he should think carefully about what he wants to do.
Rekha tells her husband not to encourage Uday to marry a peasant girl.
Uday says he may have to leave home like Abhay.

Banwari goes to meet Grandfather Dadi and commends Uday's decision to marry Lamita.
Dadi is worried because Uday made the decision just to keep the peace in the house and not for his own happiness.

Abhay tells Lisa he doesn't understand why Uday wants to get married to Lamita.
Lisa says the family may have put him under pressure.

Rama answers the door and is surprised to see Lisa.
Ranveer sees her also and in an angry tone, asks why she has come.  He orders her to leave.
The entire family has gathered.
Lisa says she just wants to know what Abhay did to deserve this; Ranveer is forcing Uday to get married and he shouldn't.
Ranveer continues to raise his voice at her.
Lisa says she apologizes on her and Abhay's behalf and Ranveer should forgive them.
Ranveer lunges at her but the others hold him back.
Uday takes Lisa away.

Abhay wakes up and starts to look for Lisa.  He gets to the front door and sees her with Uday.
Abhay is upset that Lisa went to the house.  He berates her but Uday tells him to calm down as she only did it so as to get him back in the good books of his father.

Ranveer and his mum talk about the marriage of Uday and Lamita.  Rama says Uday may have agreed but he may not be happy with it.
Ranveer calls Uday.  Uday says he has agreed to the marriage but his mother is against it; she will have to come around for him to be able to go through with it.

Uday goes to meet Rekha in their quarters and tells her it's his decision to marry Lamita and he knows Lamita will make him happy.  He begs her to support his decision.

Rekha goes downstairs to meet the rest of the family. She tells them that she has thought a lot about Uday and Lamita. They are from different worlds, both in education and pedigree  but she wants to tell them that her son will get married to Lamita.
Uday is happy.

*Catch 'East Meets West' on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 9pm C.A.T

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