Thursday 26 May 2016

'East Meets West' Season 1 Episode 20 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 25 May 2016

Anjana asks Rheka what’s happening in the house.
Rheka says grandmother is having an event.
Anjana complains about who will do the work.
Rheka says there are servants for that.

Udey is reading the papers. Lumita serves him tea.  He collects it with a frown.
She fearfully asks if the sugar is fine and if they would go out today.
He smiles and says the sugar is okay and they will go out.
Lumita smiles with relief.

Grandmother’s sister and her friends arrive.
The aunt complains about what Lisa is wearing. She says she should dress traditional.
Ranbir says Lisa is a foreigner.
Aunty tells everyone to sit and start the prayers, then she says the prayer is to be said by the new daughter-in-law.
Lisa panics.
Lisa is put in the middle of the circle and told to say the prayer.
Lisa is unable to.
The aunt says Lisa can never be one of them.
She says the other daughter in law, Lumita, could have said the prayers.

The aunt says the prayers.

Lisa phones Abhay, crying. She says she really wants to be a part of the family but they expect her to change overnight. She says she needs some time.
She tells him what happened at the prayer session.
He tells her to forget the guests as long as no one in the family said anything.
Lisa says she will try to adjust.

Udey and Lumita go out and he gets her ice cream. They play with it.
Udey thinks sometimes he feels he's making a mistake when he thinks she is not happy with him but he knows something is up.

After the guests leave, grandmother says she's happy she did it.
Ranbir says it's good to pray to the goddess. He says Uma should always pray to the goddess.
Anjana asks if Lisa shouldn't learn to pray too.
Uma says Lisa embarrassed them in front of grandmother guests.
Lisa comes downstairs and apologises to them all and says she will try.
Grandmother tells her not to worry, at least she tried. Rhama also tells her not to worry, with time she will learn everything.

Banwari tells Ranbir that Lisa has the courage to accept her mistakes and she will learn quickly.
Ranbir says that's exactly what he wants.

Anjana is with Rheka again, gossiping. She asks if she saw what happened at the prayer with Lisa.
Rheka says she likes what happened.
Lisa enters the room and tells Rheka that she apologised to the family.
Rheka says she didn't need to apologise, what happened was Ranbir’s fault and he just pretends in front of her.
Anjana says it true but Lisa says she doesn't agree.
Rheka tells her to sit so they can talk but Lisa says she has to go and attend to grandmother.
Rheka starts to think that she now understands want Ranbir is doing and says she will come up with a new method to keep Udey and Lumita apart for ever.

Lisa goes to give Rhama her medicine. As Lisa  is helping to adjust the blanket on the bed, Ranbir comes in and sees her.
He tells Rhama that they have an appointment with the doctors.
He helps her out of bed and Lisa joins him in supporting Rhama.

Lisa is in the kitchen trying to cook. There is a huge mess on the table.
Uma comes in and Lisa asks for the vegetable cutter.
Uma says she doesn’t know her way around the kitchen as it is not her job.
She points out with disgust that Lisa made a mess.
She says she wants coffee and Lisa should bring it to her in the living room because she can’t stand the sight of the mess.

Lisa goes to ask Uma how many sugars she needs.
Uma tells her to just bring the sugar to her, she will take what she needs.
Rhama and Ranbir return from the hospital.
She sees Lisa and says it seems she has been working in the kitchen all alone.
Lisa says she has and Rhama offers to help her.
Uma says Rhama should rest.
Lisa says she will manage; Rhama needs her rest.
Ranbir says Lisa is right. He tells her to make him a cup of tea too.
Ranbir leaves them and goes to his room. He begins to search the room.
Rhama thanks Lisa for the tea and Uma says hers is not bad.
Lisa is happy...but not for long.

Ranbir comes down to tell Rhama that he can't find his packet of valuables.
She tells him to search the room and he says he has searched.
She asks who was there and he says he and Rhama... and Lisa.
He suggests that they check Lisa’s room.
Liam says she hasn't stolen anything and Ranbir always treats her like this.
Grandmother tells her not to take it that way.
Lisa is crying.  Rhama consoles her.
Ranbir says they should all go and check for the package.

Banwari comes downstairs and says everyone has looked for the package in their rooms so Lisa should go and search hers.
Lisa says she won't go because Ranbir already accused her.
Rhama consoles her.
Lisa says she is from a good family.
Ranbir asks why won't she go and check. Lisa says everyone already suspects her because of what Ranbir said.
Ranbir says she left him no choice.
He goes to her room to check.
 Rhama and Banwari are watching him.

Lisa phones Abhay and cries to him on the phone. She says it's his father again.
Abhay says he knows his family loves her and they have accepted her.
He doesn't wait for her to tell him the actual story before he hangs up.

Back in the hotel room, Udey tells Lumita that they've see all the tourist attractions and there's nothing left to see so what does she think they should do.
She asks him what he thinks is appropriate.
He holds her hand and says they've spent so much time together but he still feels like he doesn't know her.
She withdraws her hand and walks away.
Udey calls reception and Lumita asks if they are leaving.
Udey is clearly upset. He says they are leaving, this evening.
They start packing and Lumita is thinking he is upset because of her but she is in a dilemma.

Lisa goes downstairs to tell grandmother that she is not happy with what is happening.
Rheka and Anjana are there.
Ranbir comes down and Banwari says he doesn't understand how such a package got missing.
Lisa says she told them she didn't take any package.
Anjana asks Ranbir why he would think that Lisa took a package.
Ranbir says they are just blowing the whole thing out of proportion; it’s not a big deal.

Rhama comes to meet Lisa in her room to console her. Lisa is still crying.
She says she can't stay anymore if Ranbir doesn't trust her.
She moves to the wardrobe to start packing her things.
Rhama is crying and pleading with her to stay but Lisa insists she must leave.
Banwari asks Ranbir what they would do now since they couldn't find the package.
 Ranbir says the package is safe with him.
Banwari is surprised. He commends Ranbir on a job well done.
Ranbir tells him to keep it to himself.

Rhama begs Lisa to stay.
Lisa leaves the room with her suitcase.
Rhama tells Ranbir to beg Lisa to stay.
Ranbir says he has accepted her into the house and she is leaving on her own.
Rhama says she is leaving because of what Ranbir accused her of.
Ranbir says he did nothing wrong and Lisa should know it is late at night and not safe to go outside.
He asks if Rhama wants him to get on his knees and beg Lisa.
Rhama says she doesn't want him to get on his knees, he should just tell her to stay.
Ranbir says he has had enough and they should go to bed. He drags Rhama with him.

Lisa walks with her suitcase to the front door, in tears.
She remembers the wedding day when she came into the house.

She gets to the front door and opens it.

*Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading. Thank you!

**Catch 'East Meets West' on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 9pm C.A.T

'Hush' Season 1 Episode 38 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 25 May 2016

Adze tells Tes that he screwed up.
He asks Tes if he has heard of Apploko.
Tes says he has and the campaign team even tried to use it for their social media campaign.
Adze proudly says he created it.
Tes is impressed.
Adze says he wrote the source code but he created it with Billz and now Billz wants him to shut it down because launched the app without his knowledge.
Tes says he may just have to do it for peace to reign.
Adze says the app is already a huge success and shutting it down will be crazy.

Bem and Arinola are having dinner at a restaurant.
Arinola orders for wine and says she doesn't know how people get through life without alcohol.
Bem says he did it before but he gave it up; it's not his thing and people who do drugs are the lowest types of people.
Arinola tries to keep a straight face.
Bem says he caught his son recently doing drugs and he dealt with him.
He say he’s telling her all these because of their arrangement.
Arinola echoes “Arrangement”.
Bem says they need to talk about their living arrangements; her moving in won't be a problem.
He has spoken to a decorator that will help with her room.
Arinola asks what makes him think she will move in with him when she has her own house.
Bem reminds her of her position and how it would look if she lives in a separate house from her husband.

Oye comes into Koko's rooms and koko asks how the day went.
Oye says it went okay.
She looks around and says Ike is not around; hope he found a place?
Koko says his former colleagues took him out.
Oye wants to know how far with his house hunting.
Koko says they are working on it.
Oye makes her way to the door, then she turns back to ask Koko what it was about the wedding dress that got her acting awkwardly.
Koko says Arinola put her on the spot.
Oye tells her not to worry because she will insist they pay her top dollar for the dress.

Adze asks Bem if he asked Vina to kick him out
Bem says he did.
Adze is upset but Bem explains that he had overstayed his welcome and it’s not a good look for anyone, especially a member of Populous.
Adze says he didn’t think of it that way.
He gives Bem the proposal for tha app. The same one he gave Folahan.
Bem looks at it and asks if there is anything else he needs to know.
Adze shifts on his chair a little but says there is nothing else.

Tokunboh is at the club dancing with a pack of girls and popping champagne.
Alabama is watching him.

Bem tells his sons at breakfast that he is getting married to Arinola by weekend.
The boys cheer and it seems Bem blushes a little.
He tells them that they are each allowed a plus one.

Adze leaves and Bem asks tes how his boss, Arinola, is doing.
Tes says she was excited when they announced the candidate for the party  but she’s since cooled off and doesn’t appear to even care anymore.
Bem asks what Tes thinks could be the problem.
Tes tells him about Tokunboh says he is someone who has a problem with Oye and Arinola.
Bem stabs his table knife down quietly but it is obvious he is trying to control his anger.

Arinola gets to work and asks Oye for updates.
Oye says it's being handled. Arinola thanks her but Oye says she shouldn’t thank her just yet because she needs to wait for feedback to know if Tokunboh has run out of town.
Oye asks how the meeting was yesterday and Arinola says she watched Folahan grasping at straws.
She remembers the incident with Alhaji and as she starts to tell Oye about it, Alhaji walks into the office with another man.
Alhaji asks Arinola if she still doesn’t remember the people she made promises to.

Bem meets with Folahan at the clubhouse.
Folahan says he was supposed to win.
Bem says there were no guarantees, everything was in order, yet he lost.
Folahan says Arinola went behind his back.
Bem says he underestimated Arinola.
Folahan says Bem should tell Arinola to step down for him.
Bem says he will not be able to do that.
Folahans says as her husband, he can tell her that he is not comfortable with her being in politics.
Bem says it won't happen; besides, he’s not yet her husband

The man with Alhaji introduces himself as Chief Cole.
He tells Arinola he was looking forward to meeting her and that it takes a genius like her to see his worth in her campaign.
Oye asks what exactly he means.
He gets upset and Arinola apologizes on Oye’s behalf and says what Oye really wanted to ask is what was promised him and by whom.
He says chairmanship was promised him.
They ask who promised him and he says her ‘Head of Campaign’, Babatunde Baker.
Arinola is shocked.

Adze enters ‘House of Tsenugo’ and tells Vina that he wants to meet her outside.
 She refuses but he begs that the thing is about to blow up.
They get outside and he tells her about Billz: he has crashed the servers.
Vina is shocked.
Adze is also afraid  that Folahan might pull out.
Vina assures him that it won’t happen. She asks how long ago he met with Billz.
Adze says it was a few days ago and he made the threat.
Vina says he should have come to her.
Adze says they were still fighting.
She says their fight would have taken a back seat if she knew such a thing was about to happen.
They kiss and make up.
She assures him that she will talk to Billz.

Alabama and Ruffy are watching Tokunboh from their car.
He is standing on the side of the road, waiting for a taxi.
Alabama tells Ruffy that Tokunboh is on drugs.
He gets into the taxi and they follow him.

Oye is at a restaurant. Arinola joins her and threatens that if this is how Babatunde won all the elections on his CV, she will fire him.
Oye tells her to calm down first because Chief Lasisi may be behind it.
Arinola says if he is, she will end her partnership with him.

Tokunboh meets Bem at a restaurant. Bem thanks him for coming.
Tokunboh asks what he wants.
Bem says he saw him and Arinola, the other day at the restaurant and wants to know their history.
Tokunboh says he wants to introduce himself, He is Tokunboh Dosumu, Arinola’s ex-husband.
Bem wants to know what he still wants from her.
Tokunboh smiles and says “with exes things are never really over”
He says Bem can ask his darling fiancée.

Billz meets Vina.
She says she just wants to broker peace
Billz says Adze stole from him.
Vina says with the app shut down they all have something to lose.
He asks what she means and she says the app is a company property and she has a 10 percent stake in it.
Billz is upset, he calls her a snake and says he always knew she was this type of person; she planned everything from the beginning and must have forced Adze to go ahead and launch the app
He says Adze should man up and talk to him instead of sending her.

Tokunboh has fallen asleep at the restaurant.
Ruffy and Alabama approach him and warn him not to make a sound.
They ruffle him up and tell him to take them to his hotel room and hand over every document he has on Arinola.
He feigns ignorance at first so they hit him some more and he says he will do as they have said but he needs to fix his shoe.
They allow him fix his shoes and as he bends to fix it, he pulls out a gun and points it at them.
They immediately surrender.

* Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading. Thank you!

**Catch 'Hush' every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 9:00pm C.A.T

Wednesday 25 May 2016

'Tinsel' Season 8 Episode 1783 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 25 May 2016

Chibuzor is regaling Obiora and Chuks about his experiences with a babe.
Frank walks up to them and reminds Chuks that he has to go back to the office.
Chuks  says he knows but he continues to enjoy his cousin’s gist.

Chuks asks Chibuzor what he is doing back in town.
Ibuzor makes excuses about his job not being what he really enjoyed and Frank says he was fired.
Ibuzor says they didn’t really get him.
Chuks says he should bring his CV so they can help him look for something.

Frank takes Obiora aside and tells him that they need to look out for Chuks because of Ibuzor.
Obiora says Ibuzor looks harmless but Frank says he is trouble.

Brenda boldly tells Sankey that she doesn't owe the police any information about her affairs.
Sankey says she has been consorting with a criminal so she needs to start talking.
Brenda says for the umpteenth time, Zane was her employee and she hasn’t seen him in a while.
She says if Sankey doesn’t have anything better to say, then she can leave.

Sankey gets up and says she had hoped Brenda had more sense than she’s displaying.
She gets up and leaves the office.

Chibuzor is still talking and Chuks is still at the bar.
Frank comes again to remind Chuks about work.
Chibuzor says he wants more beer and Chuks orders for it.

Philip is talking but Yaya is distracted, she wants to know what the message says.
Philip says Richard keeps texting him but he never gave him his number.
Yaya said she must have filled it in the form when she was registering for yoga.
She promises to take care of it.
Philip says he’s going back to work and he wants her to make something nice for lunch.
As soon as Philip leaves, Yaya calls Richard.
He threatens to reveal things to Philip if she doesn’t give in to his demands.
He tells her to meet him at the garden restaurant in 20 minutes and she reluctantly agrees.

Richard is waiting but Yaya doesn’t show up.
He calls her phone and he gets her voicemail.
He swears and tries again, same thing.
He leaves a message, ranting about how he will make her regret.

Tsav complains about how Amaka is avoiding him.
St. John tells him to give her time and look at her previous actions.
Tsav asks what he means.
St.John says Amaka was the most worried when he was abducted, she was the only one who believed something was wrong when others were in doubt.
Tsav wonders why she is still avoiding him, if she did all that.
St John says she may be emotionally overwhelmed and needs time to cool off.

Brenda calls Amaka and commends her on her new movie.
Amaka thanks her.
Brenda gets to the real reason why she called, she wants a favour;  Nosa is suing her and she needs a character witness.
Amaka says it’s not a problem; she needs the venue and date.
Brenda says it's short notice; this afternoon.
Amaka says she will be there.
Brenda is grateful.

Angela is with Brenda.  She gives her the budget proposal from Tolu.
Brenda has a problem with the cost.
Angela says they need to make their production values, world class.
Brenda says it is still too high.
Angela says so they don't have money to shoot movies but they have money for the Kwame mensah foundation.
Brenda tells her to drop the issue but Angela says they need to get their priorities right, this is something they have to do and Brenda will not regret it.
Brenda gives in and signs off on the proposal.

Philip and Amaka are in a meeting with a top client.
Amaka is distracted; checking something on her phone.
They ask her opinion but she is lost.
Philip is disappointed. He tells the client that he will show him around the premises.
As they leave, Philip stops to register his displeasure with Amaka and she says she is sorry, she was just reading and email.
Philip asks when news about Tsav became part of her job.
She is shocked that he actually saw what she was reading.

Chuks helps a drunk Chibuzor back to his flat.
He drops him on the bed and says he's late for work and doesnt know what excuse to give.
Chibuzor is already snoring.

Brenda gets a call from Zane. She asks where he's been.
He says the less she knows, the better.
She says she got into trouble with the police because someone spotted her at the hotel.
 Zane asks if she went to the police.
She says she didn't tell them anything but she wishes he was around; Angela and the police are on her neck and Nosa is suing her for Kwame.
Zane asks if he should take care of Nosa.
She says no and they joke about it.

Yaya is on the phone with Tsav.
Philip gets home and she gives him the phone to talk to him.
After the call he asks for lunch and she tells him to be patient.
There's a knock on the door. She answers it and Richard saunters is smiling and thanking her for inviting him to lunch.

* Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading, Thank you!

**Catch TINSEL every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 8:30pm C.A.T

'Saloni' Season 2 Episode 197 Recap - Aired: Wednesday 25 May 2016

Saloni meets a man on the road and asks for a shortcut to the hermitage and he shows her but warns that it is a bushy path so she needs to be careful.

The Shwarmi and his disciples are already leaving.

Saloni follows the path and gets injured in the foot by a piece of twig ibut she carries on.
She meets the car just as it is leaving, she holds on to the car and begs he Shwarmi to save her and her husband. The windows are tinted so she can't really see him.
The female disciple comes from behind and gives Saloni a slap.
Saloni falls back and the woman asks how dare she tries to see the Shwarmi's face.
Another lady holds Saloni and the car drives off.
Saloni overhears the other members say the Shwarmi will not be back for 6 months.
She starts to run after the car but Nahar stops her and says it seems God doesn't want to interfere.
Saloni says they've come too far to go back.

On their way, the Shwarmi's convoy meets a roadblock and they are told the road has been closed due to some works and it may take a while for the road to be opened again.
The female guru goes to inform the Shwarmi and they decide to go back.

Saloni is seated on the floor, looking miserable.
Nahar tells her they have to leave and she says she has faith on God.

Nahar gets a call from Varun but he is unable to hear properly so he moves away to get better signal.
Varun says Nahar made him a promise; he should take the medication he gave him.

The Shwarmi returns.
The  guru sees Saloni and some people, still waiting. She asks what they are still doing there.
Saloni begs her but the guru says they can't break the rules because it has already caused a bad omen which made them return.
She tells them to throw Saloni out and never allow her back in.
Saloni holds her feet and begs but they throw her out.

Nahar sees her outside and says Saloni should just accept that he will die.
Saloni says he won't die and God already allowed the Shwarmi come back so she will continue to come here till the Shwarmi sees her.

Back at home,  the family is listening to the news. They announce that there was a riot in the town Saloni and Nahar are in and there is a curfew.
Brajesh decides to call Nahar.
Nahar says he and Saloni are fine and they miss them.
The connection gets lost.

After the call,  Brajesh thinks Nahar is lying because he didn't even mention anything about the curfew or riot.

In the morning, Saloni tell Nahar that she wants them to get ready and go to the shwarmi.
Nahar says it is useless and he doesn't like the way they humiliated her.
He says he's not going anywhere because he wants peace; he actually came here to stop people at home from worrying about him.
Saloni says if he doesn't want to come, then she will go alone.

At the temple,  the people waiting outside are allowed to go in and see the Shwarmi and Saloni follows them.
The same lady comes out to address the crowd. She sees Saloni, then stops and angrily tells her to leave.
Saloni pleads with her that her husband is dying but the lady says she must leave.
Two women come to drag her but she continues to plead and one of the male disciples comes out to give her a bottle of medicine from the Shwarmi.
Saloni is very grateful.

Saloni gets outside and calls Nahar's phone, crying tears of joy.
She tells him what happened.

Varun goes back to his accomplice and says they've lost because the drug Saloni got for Nahar, will cure him .

The accomplice says he needs to find a way to get rid of Nahar.
Her face is revealed. Urvashi.

Mano visits the house, bringing gifts for everyone.
They tell her that Nahar and Saloni are out of town. They went to fulfil an oath.
Mano begins to think that the reason they went out of town may not actually be to fulfil an oath.

Saloni gets a call from Mano. Mano asks what is going on.
Saloni tells her the truth.
Mano says she wants to come and join them.

Nahar wakes up and he's so dizzy that he falls.  He crawls to get his medicine then crawls to get some water.
As he's about to put the medicine in his mouth, Saloni comes in and takes the drugs from him.She begs him to take the Shwarmi ly water.
He takes a sip then holds his head in pain.
Saloni says she wants to go and get the Shwarmi but he holds her and says she shouldn't go.

Saloni goes back to the hermitage and tells the disciple who gave her the medicine that it worsened her husband's condition.
The female guru overhears and tells Saloni to leave, for suspecting the Shwarmi's powers.
Saloni pleads but the lady walks away.
Saloni leaves the temple and sits outside.
A lady approaches her and tells her not to lose hope but to keep giving her husband the Holy water. She assures Saloni that the Shwarmi won't let anything happen to him.

Mano leaves the hospital and sees Varun outside. She asks him if he knows that Saloni and Nahar are out of town.
Varun denies at first but she tells him not to lie to her, so he admits.
She says she wants to go and meet them but Varun tells her not to go.
She agrees not to go.

Varun goes back to Urvashi and Urvashi says he did the right thing by stopping Mano from going because she is very sharp.
She tells him to think of what to do.

Varun calls Nahar to find out if he is taking the medicine.
 Nahar says if the medicine can't keep him alive, why is Varun bothered that he takes them.
Varun says it will give him more days.
Nahar says he won't stop taking the medicine.
Varun is happy.

Brajesh is with Veer in the office.
A lawyer comes in and tells Brajesh that Nahar asked him to come so he can write out his will. Brajesh and Veer are shocked.
Brajesh starts to wonder why Nahar wants to write a will.
He concludes that something is definitely wrong.

At night, Nahar screams in pain and tells Saloni that his head is hurting. He tells her to get him some poison.
Saloni  gives him some of the Shwarmi Holy water.
He lies back in bed and after some minutes, he says he feels good , like he has woken up from a good sleep.
In the morning, he says he feels alive and no longer weak.
He tells Saloni to follow him outside to the open sky.

They go out of the room and Nahar cannot keep his hands off her.
Saloni tells him she will be back.
She goes back to the room and calls Varun on the phone.
She tells him that Nahar is getting well; the Shwarmi medicine is working on him.
Varun is not happy, he says it may seem that way but the germs will soon overpower him.
He asks if she is still giving Nahar the medication.
Saloni says from now on he will only take the medicine from the Shwarmi.

Varun goes back to Urvashi and they start to think of ways to fix the problem.

Saloni goes back to the temple and sees the female guru, she informs her that her husband is now recovering.
Guru says she is not surprised because she knows the powers the Shwarmi possesses.
Saloni thanks her and she walks away.
One devotee tells Saloni that tomorrow is a special day; the Shwarmi will bless the people with Holy water.
He says it's just for a chosen few and Saloni has to be there because if Nahar partakes,  no power can stop his recovery.

* Kindly leave a COMMENT after reading. Thank you!

**Catch Saloni on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 6pm C.A.T

'East Meets West' Season 1 Episode 19 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 24 May 2016

Udey and Lumita are in their hotel room, getting ready for bed.
Udey holds Lumita and touches her hair while looking lovingly into her eyes.
His phone starts to ring but he ignores it. It keeps ringing, so Lumita tells him to answer it.
He picks up ad it’s his mother, Rheka.
He tells her that everything is fine.
He gives the phone to Lumita and Rheka tells her not to forget what the priest said.
After the call, Udey holds her again but Lumita says she’s very tired and she goes to lie down on her side of the bed, facing the wall.
Udey is not happy about this; he gets on his own side of the bed.

Abhay is thinking of what he overheard his father saying, about wanting Lisa to stay back in India when Abhay travels.
He decides that he will make his father happy by asking Lisa to stay back.
In the morning, Lisa wakes him up and he tells her he has seen how she is trying to fit into the family; she now wakes up early.
She says she's doing it all for him and the family.
He tells her that he's been thinking about going to America alone. She asks why?
He says his mum is ill and his father has just started accepting her so it's not a good time to leave.
Lisa says his mum is fine and she can get close to his dad when they get back.
Abhay insists that he wants her to stay back. She gets upset and leaves the room.

Lumita wakes up in the morning and Udey is still asleep.  He wakes up shortly after and she asks if she should order tea for him.
He leaves the room in anger but comes back to ask if she wants to stay in the hotel or go out.
She says whatever he wants to do and he says they will go out.

At breakfast, Rheka asks when grandfather and the couple are leaving.  Grandfather asks Abhay if they will be done packing today.
Abhay says he will be done packing.
Rheka says what about Lisa.  Lisa says she is not going; it is her decision.
Rheka asks why and she says her mother-in-law is not feeling well.
Rhama says Lisa shouldn't stay back because of her as she is okay now.
Rheka too says Lisa has to go.
Ranbir says Lisa has made a wise decision.
Grandfather says in that case, they should get packing.

Udey and Lumita go out into the town again to sightsee.
He takes her shopping. She tries on the outfit and he's really pleased with what he sees.
Back home, Abhay is packing and Lisa is upset.
He tells her he is lucky to have her as his wife and she says she is lucky too and will try to adjust when he's not around and she will take care of his family.

Abhay and grandfather say their goodbyes to the family.
Rheka still brings up the matter of Lisa not going. She tells Ranbir that his daughter-in-law should be allowed to go.
Ranbir’s response is that Lisa is HIS daughter-in- law. His emphasis is a way or telling her to mind her own business.

Udey gets a call from the hotel manager inviting him to a party the hotel is having.
He tells Lumita to get ready for the party and helps her pick out what to wear.
He tells her to meet him downstairs.
Lumita dresses up then goes downstairs to meet Udey.
He is speechless when he sees her. He walks up to her and takes her to the dance floor.
As he tries to dance with her, she turns away, remembering what Rheka said.
She says she wants to go back to the room.

In the room, Udey asks her what is wrong; doesn't she like him because she keeps pulling away from him. He says if she didn't want the marriage, she shouldn’t have gone through with it.
Lumita tries to explain but Udey says he doesn't want to hear it; he’s convinced that she never accepted him as her husband.
Lumita is in tears.

In the morning, the house phone rings and Nena answers the call.
After the call, she is in tears as she informs the family that her mother has fallen ill so she has to go.
Grandmother sympathises with her and says they will give her some money to go.
Banwari asks if they should allow her go on her own and Ranbir says they will send the male servant to go with her.
He gives the man some money to take Nena home.
When the rest of the family clears out of the living room, Ranbir commends Banwari on the good job he did.
He says they will now see how Lisa will take care of the family by herself.

Lumita wakes up and Udey is not in the room.
He comes in from the bathroom and she asks if she should order him tea. He says no but he picks the phone and orders tea for himself.
Ranbir sees Rhama helping Lisa in the kitchen.  He tells Rhama to go and rest.
Lisa says she will manage it.
Rhama says she won't be able to handle it alone but Ranbir says Lisa will learn if she is given the chance.

Lumita tells Udey that she is going to take a shower.
He ignores her.
Rheka calls and asks him what's wrong. He says everything is fine but she insists that he tells her.
He says he doesn't think Lumita is happy and instead of growing closer, they're drifting apart.
Rheka says this was what she was afraid of, she says she wants him happy but Lumita is his wife and he needs to look after her.
Lumita gets out of the bathroom and Udey is not in the room. She phones the manager and asks where Udey is.
The manager says he left the hotel so she asks how she can make a call with the  hotel phone and he tells her how.

Lisa takes milk to grandmother in her room and tells her to remember to take her drugs.
Grandmother says Lisa should be honest with her; she must be feeling bad that Udey and Lumita are on theri honeymoon while she is at home.
Lisa says she is not feeling bad because Udey and Lumita needed the honeymoon.
Ranbir is outside listening and seems to feel a little bit of remorse.

Lumita walks to the beach looking for Udey.
She hears people talking about a man that drowned and she rushes to the scene.
The man is lying face down in a shirt similar to Udey's.

She looks up and sees Udey. She rushes to him, relieved and hugs him in tears.
She asks why he left her and he tells her not to cry.
They get to their room and she's still crying.  He begs her not to cry and she asks why he left.
He said he needed some time alone and he didn't know it would take long.
She begs him not to be worried because her.
He says he knows she has a good heart and won't want to hurt anyone.
He tells her to rest and she says she knows he hasn't eaten.
He calls room service and orders food for them.
Lumita thinks about how lucky she is to have a person like Udey and how she is torn by the secret.

Lisa calls Abhay at night. She says she's missing him and he says he misses her too and he will be back as soon as possible.
He gets another call and they say their goodbyes.

Ranbir and Rhama are together. Grandmother joins them and says she was thinking that it's been long since they had a prayer ceremony at home and they should have one.
Ranbir says they can have it today.
Grandmother says Nena and Nando are not home.
Rhama says she will handle it and Ranbir says they should have another one when Udey and Lumita come back.
Rhama tells Lisa about the prayers and tells her to try not to make any mistakes.  Ranbir is listening.

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**Catch 'East Meets West' on Zee World (DSTV Channel 166) Weekdays at 9pm C.A.T

Tuesday 24 May 2016

'Hush' Season 1 Episode 37 Recap - Aired:Tuesday 24 May 2016

Oye, Arinola and Bem are still at the workshop of Tsenugo.
Oye tells Koko that Arinola needs a dress for the wedding this weekend.
 Koko assures them that she will get the dress ready before the weekend.

Arinola and Oye part ways outside.
Oye tells Tes to drive her as he she has something important she needs to attend to. She hands him the keys to her car.

Adze enters 'House of Tsenugo' and tells an employee to inform his father that he's around
He goes to Vina and says he has missed her.
She gives him an attitude and he says he still doesn’t get why she’s upset.
Vina tells him off in anger.

Tes and Oye get to Tokunboh’s hotel and Tes asks who they have come to see.
Oye tells him to wait for her.

Bem asks Adze what is going on between him and Folahan.
Adze says he's just Folahan’s pledge.
Bem says it is a serious natter and Adze needs to be careful with Folahan; Adze may think he doesn’t like him but on the contrary, all he has done is because he cares about Adze.
Adze says Folahan offered to help him fund the app.
Bem tells him to come over to the house later and show him the app;  as a member of ‘Populous’, he needs to be guided and he can move back home.
Adze is ecstatic.

Oye meets Tokunboh at the hotel restaurant again and he asks if she came with what he asked for.
She says she has a better deal and shows him a document.
He looks at it and asks what it is. She says it's an agreement;
he hands over all the incriminating document on Arinola’s drug charges and he gets the money. He gets even more, when he proves he has left the country.
Tokunboh gets up from his seat and says he's done with the conversation; he wants to speak with Arinola.
Oye says he will never see Arinola again.
He says they’re done talking but as he tries to move, Oye blocks his path and says they’re not done.
He grabs her by the elbow and aks who she thinks she is. She tells him to let go of her hand.
He doesn’t budge.
Tes comes to meet them and Tokunboh lets go.
He tells Tes that he is the guy in charge, then he walks away.

Arinola and Babatunde are having a meeting with the party Secretary.
Folahan barges in and says he wants to contest Arinola’s victory, he believes Arinola cheated and he won't.

Ike and koko are having lunch at the restaurant.
He says his getting fired may not be such a bad thing after all; it may be an opportunity for him to go into his own venture such as pure water manufacturing.
He asks what she thinks and she says the first thing is to get a place to stay.
She asks what his budget is.
He looks uneasy and explains that he doesn't have funds right now; he took a loan from the bank and has not been able to pay it off.
Koko asks how it is possible that he is a banker yet he can’t manage his finds.
He says with the way things are; he will be staying with her much longer.

The press Secretary tells Folahan that the voting was a secret ballot system and everything was in the open.
Folahan says he believes the results were tampered with; he is certain he had the votes of most of the party members.
He  demands that the result  be cancelled and another election is scheduled.
The party Secretary tells him that there will be no other election but if he is dissatisfied with the outcome of the elections, he should go to court but if he accuses the party wrongly, there will be consequences.

When they get outside, Arinola sees Alhaji and thanks him for everything.
Alhaji tells her to keep her greetings to herself as she is no better than any other shady politician out there. He accuses her of promising him certain things to get his support then going to Folahan’s camp to promise the exact same things.
Arinola is shocked.
She assures him that she did no such thing and paid no one.
Alhaji tells her to swear.
Arinola says there is no need to swear but she paid nobody.
Alhaji tells her to confess to him before it’s too late; he will bring her newfound supporters and they will see. He leaves in a huff.

Adze meets up with Billz. Billz asks him what he's been up to.
Adze talks about the trouble with his dad, Vina and morel.
Billz, with a straight face asks the same question and Adze gives same response.
Billz angrily turns his laptop screen to Adze and asks how come he has the same IP address as the one for the app.
Bem comes to see Arinola in her office. He says she doesn't look too good, Arinola says she's tired.
He says he wants to talk about their living arrangements after the wedding.; she doesn't have to come up with an answer now but they can talk later over dinner.
She agrees to dinner.
Billz tells Adze to speak so he doesn't come up with his own conclusions.
Adze asks what Billz actually expected him to do while he was gone,  just wait till he finishes his music career?
Billz says they had an agreement.
 Adze says the agreement favoured only Billz.
Billz warns Adze to take the app down or he wouldn't like watching happens.

Ruffy and his boys meet Oye up. She gives him a sign to dismiss his boys.
When they’re alone, she asks him how they can send someone out of town.
She tells him a guy is a thorn in Arinola's flesh, he has some things on her and he wants to use them against her.
Ruffy says it can be done but it will cost a lot of money.
Oye says it doesn't matter; whatever it takes.

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**Catch 'Hush' every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 9:00pm C.A.T

'Tinsel' Season 8 Episode 1782 Recap - Aired: Tuesday 24 May 2016

Chuks is at ‘Reel Studios’ again.
Fumi takes him to Amaka 's office and tells him to wait for her.
Typical Chuks doesn’t sit on the chair he was assigned, instead he walks over to Amaka’s chair and sits down.
He adjusts the seat and begins to pretend he is the boss.
He hears her coming in and quickly runs to the other seat.
Amaka welcomes him and tells him what to expect as an employee of ‘Reel Studios’.

Ehigie is called to take the witness stand.
During the examination, he says their father wasn't there for them while they were growing up and this made Nosa vow never to be like that.
He says Nosa’s job takes him away a lot, so he tells Ehigie to check up on his son but Brenda doesn't let them see the child and even refused to give the baby their family name.
He says everything Nosa does, is for the child.
When he is asked to describe what Brenda is like, he says she is rude and insults the family.
They ask if he thinks her attitude will affect the child and he says he will not be surprised if the baby grows up to hate them and even his father.
Brenda is no longer smiling.

Fumi informs Chuks that he will spend the week being evaluated and he has to make a presentation.
Chuks panics.

Sheila and St. John bring Tsav back home.
The policeman, who accompanied them, informs them that a team will be stationed outside and that Tsav is not allowed out of the premises.
Tsav asks Sheila if she has heard from Amaka and Sheila says Amaka said she needed to take care of some things.

Tolu is in a meeting with Maro, Mimi and Oris. He briefs them on what they will need to do on the movie project.
Mimi says she has some questions because she's handling PR for the movie.
Maro says it's too early for PR because the script is not even ready.
Mimi insists that it is not too early.
Tolu tells her that they will need to meet and work on it.

Sheila and Tsav are seated at the dining table. He thanks her for the meal.
Yaya rushes in and gives Tsav a hug.
She asks what they did to him and what they wanted.
Tsav says he's fine.
She doesn’t acknowledge Sheila’s presence so Sheila tries to get her attention by saying ‘Hello’.
Yaya responds coldly and Tsav leaves the table.
Yaya makes up an excuse to leave but Sheila tells her to sit.
Sheila asks how she is and she says she's fine but she needs to leave
Sheila says they need to talk.

Chuks is at home trying to work on his presentation.
Someone is banging on his door.
He opens it  and Ene’s father comes in.
He drops the fabric for the clothes he asked Chuks to make for him and emphasises on the need for Chuks to finish on time.
He congratulates Chuks on his new job and advises him to take it seriously.

Sheila asks Yaya what she intends to do.
Yaya says she made a mistake and Sheila tells her that it wasn’t a mistake; she was cheating on her husband.
Yaya tells Sheila to stop acting high and mighty; it’s not like she had a perfect marriage herself.
Sheila says at least she didn’t cheat on anyone.
Yaya says Sheila has no right to tell her how to handle her marriage.

Odum meets Nosa at Ziggy’s again.
Nosa begs Odum to testify on his behalf.
Odum says he can’t and if Brenda even knows he's seeing Nosa at all, she will have him fired.

Tolu comes to Angela’s office to give her the budget for his job.
 She doesn't look at it but says they will give him whatever he needs to produce a film of the standard they require, world class.
She tells him to go back and update the budget and not think of the expenses.
He is surprised but glad.

Tsav tells St. John about his ordeal.
He calls Amaka’s phone but she doesn’t pick up.
He complains to St. John and says he wants to go and her but St. John tells reminds him that he has been ordered by the police, not to leave the premises.
St. John decides to try her phone and Amaka answers.
He tells her that Tsav is there and has not been able to reach her.
 Amaka says she's not ready to talk to him yet.

Chuks comes into Ziggy’s in a work suit.
Frank and Obiorah ask if he shouldn’t be at work.
Chuks says he's not expected to be at the office all day.
Obiorah leaves and Chuks tells Frank that his father-in-law came to see him at an odd hour, probably to see if he was getting up to anything illicit, as Ene is not around.
His cousin, Chibuzor comes in and Chuks is super excited to see him.
Frank doesn’t look too thrilled to see him though.

Sankey comes to see Brenda at work.
She enters the office, smiling like all is well.
Brenda asks why she has come and Sankey says she thought they were cool and she didn't need a reason to visit.
She asks how Brenda is and Brenda tells her to just get to the real reason she’s here.
Sankey says she is in the middle of the investigation that involves the death of Alhaji Abubakar. Brenda makes a face like it doesn’t concern her but Sankey is not done yet.
She says they are looking for Zane and heard a woman who fits Brenda’s description went to a downtown motel to visit him.

Philip and Yaya are having breakfast. They talk about Tsav and his mum and he says if she needs anything, she can count on him.
He frowns as he looks at his phone.
Yaya panics and asks what it is.
Philip says he just got a message from Richard.

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**Catch TINSEL every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase (DSTV Channel 151) at 8:30pm C.A.T